Chapter 11

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I sigh as I look at the sandwich infront of me. Mom forced me to eat and said that if I can't eat in the morning, I'll eat during lunch. After the whole thing yesterday,to me wanting to keep the baby, mom has been very strict on my eating diet.

No, my appetite hasn't come back but I atleast need to try eating right?

A hand slamming on the table jolts me back to life. I look up at the person before scowling. It's just Cole and his friends. What does he want?

"Wassup slut" He casually says as if those words are a normal way of greeting someone. Prick. I roll my eyes and force myself to nibble on my lunch.

He slams his hand again and I look at him with a bored expression. I mean who wouldn't get bored of hearing the same thing from every single person in school?

"I'm talking to you" He snaps.

I bite my lip and blink at him before responding.

"I don't care" I say, focusing back on my lunch.

"You've grown a mouth now, aye? What am I even saying? You use that mouth to suck dicks" He says, bursting with laughter as the students join him.

Your all entertained by this idiot? What has this society come to. Oh that's right! A bunch of stupid people.

"Go away, Cole" I snap, glaring at his grey orbs. He smirks and folds his arms on his chest, his muscles bulging and flexing from his movement.

Stop gawking at him, Lucy! You'll just inflate his already inflated ego.

Yeah an ego as big as his pen-

"You know I can't do that, cupcake" He says. My face scrunches in disgust as I try understanding why I liked this guy.

"Okay" I shrug and ignore his presence completely.

It's a shame how someone as gorgeous as him has a dark soul.

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head then walks over to his table, his minions following close behind.

Feeling the urge to pee, I pack my stuff and zip my bag before trudging to the bathroom.

The door flies open from my entrance and I find Mindy and Nora inside. Their faces are close to the mirror as they fix themselves. Both girls glare at me with scowls on their caked faces.

As I'm doing my business, they start gossiping again.

"I have something to tell you, Nora" Mindy squeals, her voice filled with excitement.

"Yeah?" Nora curiously responds.

"So you know how my aunt works at the hospital right?"

"Yeah you told me"

"Well, since she and my mom are like best friends, she called last night and told her some pretty shocking news. Like, I'm telling you, you'll be so shocked" Mindy gushes, probably fanning her face.

"What? What? Tell me!" Nora's hunger for gossip disgusts me. How was I even friends with her?

"She said that a teenage girl who's about our age, came to her yesterday with her mom and found out that she is pregnant" Mindy giggles and Nora gasps as the colour on my face drains.

Mindy's my doctor!

Oh no! This is bad! This is very bad. This is extremely bad. If Mindy and Nora know, then the whole school will know!


"Oh my gosh! Did you get her name?" Nora asks.

"Lucy fucking Banes" Mindy slowly says, her voice loud enough for me to hear.

My heartbeat picks up as I start panicking. Sweat forms on my forehead and my chest moves up and down in a fast pace.

If I thought I was already fucked, then now I'm definitely sure I am.

Would she be so evil and heartless that she'll tell the whole school? What am I thinking, ofcourse she will. That's who she is. It's been engraved in her to. Infact, she was programmed to.

I breathe in deeply before heavily exhaling and walk out the stall to wash my hands. I pretend as though I didn't hear jack-shit and silently hum Dua Lipa's Hallucinate. Such an amazing song, honestly.

"Speak of the pregnant bitch and she shall appear" Nora mumbles, smirking at me evilly. The fact that she said that incorrectly just proves how dumb she is.

"How far along are you?" Mindy asks as if we have been friends for years. I ignore her and dry my hands.

"Answer her" Nora spits, grabbing my arm roughly and spins me around. I glare at her and pry her hand of me with a disgusted look.

"I don't see how it's any of your business and don't ever touch me like that again" I say, my voice calm and stern but my face hard.

"Ohh. So that mouth talks instead of sucking" Mindy says, giggling away with her sidekick.

I sigh and roll my eyes before turning around and walk to the door.

Just as my fingertips touch the knob, a manicured hand grips my arm.

"You stole Cole from me and now I'm going to ruin your life. You stole him from someone who deserves him and now your life is going to be a living hell. I'm going to tell every single imbecile in this school about your bastard baby" Mindy spits in my ear before shoving me out the toilet.

I didn't even get enough time to give her a piece of me before she storms away on the opposite direction with Nora stumbling in her Gucci stilettos behind her.

Why are you even wearing those death traps if you can't even walk in them without nearly falling to your death?

I rush to my next class when I hear the bell shreek, not wanting to be late.

I need to tell Cole. He needs to know. I won't hide this from even though I know he won't want anything to do with me or his baby.

Heck, he'll think I'm lying or that the baby is from some random douche that has fast working sperm.

Man, life's fucked up.

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