Chapter 22

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"What's wrong? You've been gloomy the whole day?" Alec asks during lunch as he looks at me with concern.

During half of the entire day, I haven't said a word and my eyes were always on the floor or my desk. My mind wasn't even working, it was just blank and void of thoughts. I may be going back to my numb phase again. I'd really like that actually.

"It's nothing" I whisper, praying my voice didn't sound clogged and filled with unshed tears.

"I know it's not nothing, Lucy. Something is bothering you because your all sad and blank faced. Just tell me what's wrong"

"I said it's nothing, Alec. Just let it go. It's none of your business" I snap. He goes quiet for a minute before speaking again.

"I guess now is not the time then" He mumbles and sinks his perfect teeth in the rich and green apple.

"Time for what?" I ask. I really want to go home right now.

"Nothing" He lies and I growl.

"Just tell me" I hiss.

"Iwasgoingtoaskyouonadate" He mumbles quickly in one breathe as his cheeks glow a faint pink.

"What?" I ask.

"I said, I was going to ask you out on a date but your in a sour mood so nevermind" He says. My eyes widen as my jaw slacks at his words.

Did...did he just...? I'm dreaming. This must be a dream and when I wake up,I'll laugh about and forget about it.

The bell rings and Alec shoots up from his seat and rushes out the cafeteria, his speed shocking me.

I'm most definitely sure he was going to ask me out. But ofcourse, Cole has to ruin everything for me does he?

I lift myself from my seat and begin walking to my next class.

Just as my fingertips touch the doorknob,a hand on my shoulder stops me. I follow the hand to the owner, which is Principal Michaels.

"Hello, Ms. Banes" He warmly greets and smiles at me.

"Hey Principal Michaels" I greet back and force out a smile.

"Is it okay if I have a word with you in my office?" He asks and I nod. He leads me to his office and takes a seat behind his desk and motions for me to sit down too.

His dark desk is nicely polished with a few papers on it, a pen cup,a few picture frames of his family and some files on it. On the right corner sits a large bookshelf that contains old books with falling seams. The room is painted an old brown and smells like coffee. He must spend lots of time drinking coffee in here.

"I want to address the matter concerning your maternity break. I assume you know you have to take one, right?"

"Yes, I do" I nod.

"Your due date is approaching in a few months and fast so I'd like for you to take your break early" He says. "This month is your last month at school. I'll have the teachers send your work with Mr. Hartwell so you can do it and he will return with the completed work and hand it in. But you'll also still graduate with the rest of the other students"

"Okay. Will my marks be disturbed because of this?" I ask. I am concerned about my marks for this year. It's been hard to do the work with all the things running on my mind and the drama at home.

"Not really. You are ofcourse still going to recieve the work but you might miss a few trips that are for marks but I'm sure you'll do okay for the year. You are a smart woman" He says.

"Okay" I nod,relieved. "Thank you, Principal Micheals" I smile and get up from my seat. We shake hands and I grab my bag from the floor and make my way to my class.

Wow. So I'm practically going to school for two weeks then I'm done. No more school. No more seeing Cole's face almost everyday. No more bullying.

Well, those are just the pros of staying at home. The cons more seeing Alec everyday. No more cafeteria food anymore because I know how strict mom and Luke will be over my diet. Ahh, ofcourse, Luke is going to be stuck by my side 24/7. The torture.

Welp. I guess I'm going to have to play with the cards I've been dealt.



The day I've been dreading. Well, I dread everyday but this one is one of my top five. Incase you forgot, today is the day of my doctor's appointment with Cole. Luke wants to come with and right now I'm trying so hard to convince him not to. I do not want to witness the bloodbath that will commence if the both of them are in the same room and Luke finds out Cole is the father.

Yeah no.

Things between Alec and I have been a little tense. Sure,we still talk but the elephant in the room still lingers around us causing some tension between us. He avoided mentioning it so I didn't either. Why should I? I know this would be the perfect time to shoot my shot but I'm scared of the outcome of my shot. So it is best I don't shoot my shot and leave the matter alone. It has been buried at the back of my mind. Maybe it's best that way.

I get dressed in Luke's grey hoodie and some leggings finished of with my Converse. I tie my hair in a high ponytail and apply some lip balm on my chapped lips to moisten them before going downstairs for breakfast. 

"Morning sweetie" Mom greets and smile warmly at me. I greet her back and hug her before taking a seat behind the counter.

A few minutes later, she drops a plate of waffles and a glass of apple juice before me then I hear Luke yell my name.

"Mom, mom" I whisper frantically.

"What?" She asks, her mama bear wanting to come out. "Are you hurt? Is it the baby? Should we-"

"It's not that. Can you tell Luke not to come with me today?" I beg, giving her my pleading look to tell her it's urgent.

"Why?" She asks sceptical of my request.

"Because he is going to be there and you know how they are in the same room together. It'll be even worse when Like finds out the truth"

"Oh" A look of realisation sits on her face as she realises why I don't want Luke to come with me. "I've got it covered. Don't worry" As soon as those words leave her mouth, Luke's heavy footsteps descend tbe stairs and walk in the kitchen.

"Sup' mom" He chirps. "Monkey bars" He tips his head in greeting and I chuckle at his silliness. Such a goof.

"Your not going with Lucy today" Mom sinply says. I glare at her for being so blunt but she glares back. Sheesh.

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