Chapter 6

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"That is not true and you know it, Cole" I say, slightly choking on my tears. How dare he say that?

He chuckles dryly before giving me a blank look.

"Are you trying to deny how much of a whore you are? Tell them. Tell them how much of a slut you are, Lucy. I'm sure your brother would be so happy to know about how his baby sister is opening her legs to anything with a dick" He says, smirking at my mortified face.

"That's not true! Why are you lying?!" I yell, my voice thick with tears and my eyes are bloodshot. I'm pretty sure my cheeks are flushed and moist with tears.

"I don't lie, cupcake" He says, using the nickname he used Saturday night. The smug look that I so desperately want to punch of his face tells me that know one would believe me if I tried defending myself.

Everyone here knows how honest Cole is. Who would I be to prove that wrong?

But why is he lying, right now?

"Your a jerk, Cole" I whisper, hanging my head in defeat. I'm sure Nora doesn't even want to be my friend anymore.

"A jerk that you fucked" He retorts, snorting. The students laugh as I throw one last glare at Cole and storm out.

That stupid prick. That son of a beach is so frickin annoyin. How could he call me names after what we did?

I can't believe I was stupid enough to believe that someone like Cole Grey would magically fall in love with me just because we did the deed. I should've listened to Luke and stayed far away from Cole. He had warned me yet I persisted. My naiveness got in the way and I thought maybe one day Cole would change his ways for me.

That was dumb of me.

I shouldn't have agreed to attending Luke's stupid party. Ofcourse I had to listen to Nora. She always has to have her way with things. Now she turns her back on me just because she believes what Cole says. She knows I would never open my legs for every boy in the school, Saturday night was a mistake.

A dumb and naive mistake.

But you know what's funny, Nora is probably happy that I'm out of her hair. She didn't want to hang out anymore ever since she started hanging out with Mindy Reeves and her followers. She wouldn't answer my calls and she would reluctantly sit with me during lunch. It's like she was forced to.

You must be asking yourselves who this Mindy is, right?

Well, Mindy is the barbie of the school. Loves wearing revealing clothes and has slept with almost every guy at school. It's hilarious how I've been deemed the school slut when Mindy is far worse than me. She has slept with rival schools and she had this other teacher get fired because he slept with a student. Her blonde hair and blue eyes lure the boys in then her long toned legs trap them as her big boobs distract them.

Life has a funny way of working.

I decide to walk back home to calm myself down. I don't want to call Luke so he can pick me up because I know he'll pester me about why I wanted to leave school so early. I really don't want to bother my parents too. I don't want to disturb them while their working.

The sky is free of clouds, letting the sun shine bright and the wind is nice and warm. If I wasn't in such a bad mood, I would appreciate how nice the weather is. It's perfect for a swim.

Consumed by my thoughts, I didn't actually pay attention as to where my legs were taking me.

This isn't the way home.

I look up, gasping as I take in the view in front of me. It's a field of forget-me-not flowers with a pond and a beautiful waterfall. The sun's glare on the falling water creates this gorgeous rainbow as small particles of water float near the fall. The cliff with the waterfall most definitely has a beautiful view of this scenery.

How did I end up here and why didn't I hear the water?

A large flat surfaced rock sits on my right and I make my way to it.

This is the most beautiful view I've ever seen before. No amount of pinterest pictures could measure up to what I'm seeing right now. This is amazing.

The smell of water and nature creates this calm vibe here. So relaxing. This is my new favourite place. I close my eyes and listen to the water and the birds happily chirping in the trees helping me relax.

I guess it's true that nothing lasts forever. My phone starts buzzing and I fish it out my back pocket.

It's Luke.

The school must've called him over my sudden absence. He must be worried.

"Where the fuck are you?" Are the first words I hear from my beloved brother as soon as I answer the phone.

"Somewhere" I mumble tiredly.

"I'm not trying to be funny right now, Lucy. Tell me where you are so I can come pick you up" He says through gritted teeth. I roll my eyes and begin walking back from where I came from.

"Where are you, Lucy?" He snaps.

"Bob's Ice cream shop" I simply say, already making my way inside. He hangs up without another word. I'm not going to hear the end of it, I just know it.

I'm mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted. Today's events totally drained me out.

5 minutes later, I see my parents' car pull up and I make my way to it. I sigh thinking about how pissed Luke must be.

The drive back home is quiet and tense with Luke's anger but I don't mind. I'm too tired to do anything else but I know he won't let me off so easy without lecturing me.

As soon as we both step inside the house and shut the door, all hell breaks loose.

"Why in fucks name did I receive a call from the school telling me that your not attending your classes?!" He yells causing me to flinch. Luke would never and has never hit me so I didn't flinch because I'm scared he will, I flinched because his booming voice is making my head hurt.

"I didn't feel so well and I didn't want to bother you or mom and dad so I took off and left" The lie tastes bitter on my lips but I have to lie to him. He should never find out about what happened at school or Saturday night.

"Lucy, you wouldn't have bothered me. Your my baby sister and I'm always a call away. You shouldn't feel like your going to bother me when you want to call for help" He says. His voice calm but defeated.

I nod and hang my head so he doesn't see the tears that have welled up in my eyes. That would for sure make him pry.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause any trouble, I just wanted to be alone for a while" I whisper, trying my hardest to stop the tears from falling and the sobs from escaping my lips.

I feel his familiar warmth engulf me as he wraps his arms around me. I encircle my arms around his neck and he sighs.

"I love you, Monkey Bars" He mumbles in my hair before placing a small kiss on my temple.

"I love you too" I mumble in his neck and pull away.

He gives me a small smile and I return it before making my way to my room. I need some sleep. My eyes are already drooping and I can feel the tiredness seeping through my body.

I change into Luke's shirt before climbing on my bed. I let the darkness consume me and soon, I'm dreaming of a life I'll never have.

Today has been rough.

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