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Dani POV

Today was the day I would be travelling.

I'm so excited and sad at the same time. Spencer and Harley promised to be here to wish their last goodbyes. My mum and dad are already putting my bags in the car, waiting for the girls to come.

They finally came and were so happy to see me. They both gave me a heart crushing hug.

"Ok, I want to breathe" I told them while smiling.

"Oh, sorry" Spencer said. Harley just stood there and was about to cry.

"Oh,no. Stop, c'mon Harley" I cooed her to stop crying.

Spencer was also in tears, that even caused me to start crying until all three of us were crying. My parents came out to see us crying and hugged all of us.

"It's going to be ok" my dad said.

"But, she is leaving. We are going to miss her" Harley said with tears in her eyes.

"We will make sure you all see each other whenever you're all free, ok?"

"Ok" They said feeling a little bit better.

"Make sure you call us every time you are free, ok?"

"Ok, I promise" I told them.

It was finally time for me to leave, so we had our final hugs before I left.

"Stay safe love" my mum said

"Ok mum, I love you all" I said, kissing all of them on their cheeks, then I entered the car and left.

"Penzo FC,here I come" I thought as we headed for the airport.

Tiffany POV

Today was really wonderful. It didn't start well after what Lex did earlier in the day, but Chloe made it up.

I am so happy I agreed to go out with her.

"I had so much fun today. Thank you for bringing me out" I thanked her.

"Oh, no problem. You needed time to relax" she said as we walked down to our cars.

"Ok this is it, I would see you tomorrow at practice, right?"I asked when I got to my car.

"Of course. And make sure Lex comes, ok?" she said.

"Yeah, I would try and talk to her".

"Ok and also make sure to take care of yourself" she said and hugged me.

I was so shocked and oh my..I loved her cologne smell, it smelt so warm and nice. I hugged her back and I heard her let out a big sigh.

When she withdrew, I noticed how close we were.

Oh nooo

I thought. I could just lean  a little forward and just kiss her.

Damn it

It was so difficult to not do it. She looked at me like she also felt the same way before staring down at my lips and wetting hers with her tongue.

What the...

She withdrew back from me and I saw a tint of red shade on her cheeks.

"I will see you tomorrow. Bye" she said and hurriedly left before I could say anything.

I didn't realize I was holding my breath until she zoomed off in her car.

"What just happened here now?" I asked myself.

"I better do something about this crush before she thinks I'm crazy"  I thought.

I got home in less than an hour and saw Lex in the sitting room watching TV.

"Where have you been?" Lex asked me.

"Somewhere" I said.

I was still angry with her about what she did to me.

"Tiff, I'm sor..." she started, but I cut her short.

"Don't bother about it Lex. I don't know what your problem is, but I don't know you anymore. Thank your stars coach wasn't around today, because if he had asked of you, I would have told him exactly where you were. So don't start apologizing over something you still do. Good night Lex and we have practice tomorrow. You better go if you know what is good for you". I said and left in anger.

When I got to my room, I was so pissed at Lex. I mean I get it that she is a good striker, but that doesn't mean she should be arrogant and proud.

Urghhh!! I was so tired of everything she was doing.

As I was getting ready for bed I heard my phone ding.

"I hope you got home safe and sound. Just checking on you. Please don't fight with Lex, ok. Talk to her calmy and take good care of yourself. Good night beautiful:-)" -Chloe.

This girl would be the death of me.

I was so happy over the text and slept in a better mood.

Embracing This New Feeling (Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now