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I didn't even know what got into me when I asked that, but after what she said and how understanding she was, I just wanted to do it.

The kiss was so sensual. I felt like flying but at the same time I just wanted to remain there forever.

Her lips was so soft and tasted like chocolates. She smelt like berries also but it was brought warmth to me.

She kissed me like I was the most precious thing that she had. It wasn't rushed and it had a lot of emotions in it. It seemed like I couldn't get enough of her.

We had to let go due to lack of breath and I unintentionally groaned.

"Someone is getting a little bit eager" she teased me while smirking.

She looked really sexy at that moment, I almost just let her take me there immediately.

"Well you can't blame me, I can't seem to get enough of you. I'm already getting addicted." I retorted back.

I know she wasn't expecting it because she looked really surprised. I just couldn't help myself and pecked her lips again.

"So what do we do now?" She asked while smiling.

"I still want to work things with myself. So I just ask, can you please wait for me?" I asked her feeling scared about her reply.

"Of course I would wait for you. Even if it means forever, I would."

"Although I hope it doesn't come to that" she added as a joke which made me smile.

"Can I kiss you for the last time before we go back to being friends?" I asked.

I felt her soft lips on mine again and this time the kiss felt very different. It was as if she was reassuring me that she was there for me. I felt really loved.

Two Months later

It has been two months s since I last kissed or even touched Dani.

It feels like torture not been able to hold her. I missed her lips so much and even her in general.

I even stopped talking to her which I know is really lame but I couldn't help myself. I was feeling so scared and anxious.

What if she doesn't want me? What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if I'm just a game to her? What if...

"Lex stop it. I can feel your thoughts running to only you knows where." Tiff said.

"I can't help it. What if she doesn't want me?"

"Of course not Lex. I don't know if you haven't noticed the way she looks at you. Everyone on the team knows she likes you a lot."

I knew what she was saying was right. I was just thinking that probably it wasn't true. Of course I knew the way she stares at me.

Even my fan base has started getting suspicious and really rooting for the two of us.

"I don't know Tiff. She could be the same."

"No she's not. I know you are scared that she may be like Brittney but I know she's not. She looks at you like you are the only person in the world. All you have to do is to talk to her, let her know what is going on. You can't expect her to assume that everything is ok. She needs to know what's happening. It's been two months Lee and she has tried everything to talk with you but you keep ignoring her. That isn't fair" Tiff concluded.

I knew she was right. I just didn't know how to start.

She may think something is really wrong with me and probably lose interest in me. I was so scared of losing her without even knowing her.

I didn't know when I started crying until I felt Tiff's arms around me saying sweet words to me.

"I know you are Lex. I'm not telling you to tell now but just tell her soon, ok?"

"Ok, I will".

I said it because I knew I wanted to. I just realized how much she meant to me.

I..I think I'm in love with her.

Awwwn. Poor Lex 😢☹️. Who knows what's wrong with her. And who is Brittney?
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