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Natasha and I sat in the waiting area of a cute little restaurant,while we waited on our take out food to be brought out to us. It's been the better part of an hour since we left so I'm sure the guys have raided the fully stocked cupboards in hunger.

"Those animals better not have touch my Chilli Heatwave Doritos!!"I thought,as I looked out the window of the restaurant."If they do there will be hell to pay."

"I wish you would have come since it's New Year,we could have started the year together just like we did last year."Natasha pouted,as she looked at Alex's pretty face over the screen.

Alex sighed."You know I would have loved that,but you know what my reasons are. It has nothing to do with you,Ness..Just the man you married."

Natasha nudged me in the shoulder, pulling my attention from the snowy street and towards the screen."Hmm,
I get it. He hit you-you have a right to feel the way you do."

"Yeah,Well it's costing me isn't it.I want to spend time with you both when you get back from your little trip, Maybe a night on the town?"Alex asked.

"I'm so up for that. What about you, Ness?"Natasha turned around and nudged me,distracting me from the window a second time.

"Sure,Sounds good to me. I'll um... I'll be back in a second."I walked out of the restaurant and out into the snow. The snow was coming down a lot heavier now so I was definitely thankful that I wore my boots.

I followed after the man,the man that I saw from the window. The same man from the gas station earlier today,i recognise him from behind. I pulled my hood up to keep my hair from getting all snowy,I styled it earlier and I didn't want it knotty incase Jeremy decides to run his fingers through it later while he's kissing me.

People were getting in my way as I followed after the man,it's him,it has to be him. It can't be just a coincidence that I've seen him twice in one day. He followed us up here and now he followed us to the restaurant.

I pushed through the crowd of people and saw him. I grabbed the man by the arm and turned him around."Oh,Sorry. I thought you were somebody else."

"Ness.."Natasha's voice called from outside the restaurant and I turned around. She was waving me towards her while holding two take out bags in one hand. When I turned around to apologise to the man I didn't know,he was gone.

It wasn't him!!

I walked the crowded street towards Natasha. Since it was New Year's there was a lot going on,a lot of people were venturing out for dinners or to celebrate the new year's in a bar or Nightclub. I'm kinda glad that I get to go back to the cabin and cosy up by the fire.

"What's going on?"Natasha asked,with knitted brows."You ran out of the restaurant like you had some type of bowel emergency."

Eww!! Her mind was going places.

"Nothing,I just-"I took a bag from her hands."I just thought I saw someone that's all. Let's get back to the car, it's freezing."

Natasha and I pulled up outside the cabin,discussing the man I don't like to name. Him!! I told her that I thought I saw someone so of course I have to tell her who. Natasha knows everything about Him anyway.

"It wasn't him,Hon. You turned the guy around and it was just someone else. It wasn't Him. I don't think you need to worry about this."She tried to reassure me,but my mind was still doing it's own thing and being worrisome regardless of what I saw and what I've been told.

I shrugged a shoulder lightly."I guess,I don't know. It just looked a lot like him from behind. What if he followed me here?"

"Why now though?He's getting nowhere near you-I can promise you that."She smiled at me."You've been through enough lately,Let's start the New Year on a good note."

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