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I'm sure most available woman in the room were looking up at the top table, admiring the handsome Billionaire that was sitting next to me.
A glance or two in my direction as I sat in the expensive white wedding gown that he had paid for, even in the dress it was clear we weren't from the same worlds.

Amongst the rich I felt like an Alien, it wasn't a life I was used to.
I was used to suffering and pain, working my butt off to make ends meet so my Brother could go to college and be the Doctor he's always wanted to be.
Going it alone was a struggle, that's when Tom Austin came along and gave me an out.

Today I married his son,not for Love like I had always planned but for money instead.
There isn't a woman on earth who is ashamed of herself more than I am.
I've married him now, committed myself to a year long lie of being his Mrs Austin.

"Ness,I should get back.I've got a class early in the morning."

I looked up at my Brother Finley as he stood in front of me at the top table. Even not fully understanding how I ended up with a man like Jeremy Austin, my brother was still happy for me."Okay, I'll walk you out."I stood from my chair and walked around the table.

"It was nice meeting you,Jeremy." Finley said, trying to be polite.Jeremy has been nothing but nice to my brother since he met him after the ceremony. If only he had the same regard towards me.

"Finley."Jeremy stood up and shook my brothers hand.At this point of the night he was drunk on Scotch.
"The party has just begun,Are you leaving already?"

Finley chuckled."Afraid so, I have an early morning class."

"Well it's a pity,I was hoping to hear some embarrassing stories about this wife of mine."He looked at me, a smirk was playing on his lips."We're still getting to know each other,Aren't we Vanessa?"

My cheeks blushed bright red. I didn't know if Jeremy would out our current situation to my brother.
Seeing us today Jeremy would know that we're close knit, I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to ruin that just to spite me for supposably ruining his life.

The corners of Finley's mouth quirked up."I'll save the embarrassing stories for another time."

I chuckled nervously."We should get going, I'll walk you to a taxi."Finley and I walked away and through the crowd of wedding guests.I wanted to get my brother away from Jeremy as quick as I could.

"He's a nice man,Ness. Our parents would have been proud."

I looked at my brother as he walked alongside me."They would have been proud of you, being so responsible and pushing to get your degree. I'm proud of you."

"Well thank god for that Trust Fund Mom and Dad had set aside.It's been such a weird year, the anniversary is coming up next month."

"I haven't forgotten."It's been a hard year, now that it was close to the anniversary it's going to be even harder.

We walked out of the hotel, feeling the warmth on a September's night. The taxis were lined up and waiting outside the hotel to take people places.

"Right,I should get going."

I hugged my brother."I'll see you soon, make sure to call me and keep me updated on school. Us Garcia's have to stick together."

He chuckled,pulling back from the hug."You're an Austin now."

Don't remind me. I can't even bare to think about it. I'm sure I'm going to have nightmare about this for the rest of my life.

"I'll always be a Garcia."I've just adopted the name Austin for a year, no longer.

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