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6:15 and there was no fucking sign of her,I was livid as I waited.
I wondered if she was doing this to me just to be funny,or if she was trying to get back at me for the other day.

"Bitch!!"I mumbled. Although there was worse things I could say about the woman that is my wife.
I imagine she's a virgin,the look of shock on her face when I took my clothes off in front of her the other day led me to believe that she was.
I should of fucking took my cock out just to scare her away.

Alma had left for the day and I was at home alone,which was rare these days. I looked at my bottle of Macallan on the counter,feeling the urge to have a drink.
It's been a long fucking day at the office and I had to leave early for this fucking dinner,never mind the headache that's been coming on for the past hour of stressful waiting.

I was just about to grab the bottle off the counter,when I heard the sound of the front door open and close.
My Devil of a wife is home.I walked down the hallway towards the stairs like a bull.

Vanessa walked towards the stairs casually,like she hasn't been keeping me waiting all this time.
She was dressed in a black bodysuit with a pair of workout shorts that were so small,some might assume they were underwear.

"Where the Fuck were you?"I shouted. I've always had my issues with anger,but this women just pushes all of my buttons.

"I had a class,Jeremy. I didn't think I would be as long as I have."She tucked a strand of her messy brown hair behind her ear.

"A CLASS..You were at the Gym this entire time?"I snapped."Fuck it,I don't even care. Just get ready so we can get the fuck out of here."

"I'll be fifteen minutes,I swear."She ran up the stairs in a hurry with her Gym bag slung over her shoulder.

I sighed,walking back down the hall and towards the kitchen. I can't believe she had the cheek to leave me sitting here waiting her for her all this time because she was at the Gym. Ridiculous!!
I grabbed a whisky glass from the press and poured the glass of Macallan that I've been longing for all day. I'll need it if I'm going to stick up with her crap for the night.

I sat at the island finishing my glass of Macallan. The dinner at 7 is a business dinner that my parents are attending also. After what happened the other night I know my Father will be watching me like a Hawk.Showing up late tonight,he's not going to be impressed.

Fifteen minutes later and I was getting sick of waiting,so I walked down the hallway towards the stairs."Get a move on."I shouted.

A few seconds later,I heard the sound of her heels on the stairs and I looked in that direction.She can't be serious..Is she trying to piss me off?

"Alright,I'm ready now."

I looked her up and down as she reached the end of the stairs."What the Fuck are you wearing?"

Vanessa moved her hands down the silk material of her Red dress that was way shorter than the knee."It's a dress,Jeremy. What's wrong with it?"

What's wrong with it? It was shorter than the dress I had seen her wearing at the club the other night.
This was supposed to be a respectful dinner and she's looking like that.

"You're out of your mind if you think I'm allowing you to come to dinner dressed like that.
This is a respectful dinner."I looked her up and down."That dress is not respectful."

"It's one of the dresses your Mom had the designer drop over yesterday. I thought it was okay since she picked it out."

That Mother of mine is off her rocker lately. Vanessa could do no wrong in her eyes."It's not okay,I would never aloud my wife to leave the house dressed like THAT!!
Go change..Now..And make it quick we're already late."

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