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I was drumming my fingers lightly on the table,growing impatient the more time went on.
Natasha was sitting across from me checking her watch every 5 minutes and clearly not impressed by my Husbands tardiness.

That Prick is standing me up and I was absolutely livid about it.
What happened to the agreement that we made?He gets to do what he wants for one night a week,for one simple dinner with my friend in return. He couldn't even do that.
Jeremy was supposed to meet me at the Studio an hour ago,he didn't show so I had to make my own way here.
I've called him but didn't get an answer,so I texted him the address of the restaurant so he knows where I am. There's still no sign of him,I guess he's too busy doing god knows who,to show his face.

"I don't think he's coming,Hon."Natasha looked down at her little white wristwatch."He's over an hour late."

I sighed."I'm sure he just got held up and forgot. He's just been so busy at the office lately."
Ugh,I just hate lying to her..But I didn't want her to know the truth either.

It's not that Natasha would be Judgemental of my actions,because I know she wouldn't.
If I had of told her my plan before I married Jeremy she would have taken my burden on as her own. She would have tried to figure out a way to help me with my money problems no matter what and that's not something I wanted.

"We can rearrange for another time,when he's not so busy.
I really want to get to know the kind of man he is,which is why dinner was so important."

Her opinions of him were true,only I was hoping to convince her otherwise. This dinner was supposed to do just that."Sure,um.."


I heard my name being called and I turned my head.
Better late than never,Jeremy walked through the restaurant and towards our table with another man walking alongside him.I stood from my chair,ready to put on my best act.

"I'm so sorry I'm late."Jeremy placed his arm around me and kissed me,just barely.

As I hugged my Husband I could smell the alcohol on him,as well as his usual expensive Aftershave."You were at a bar?"I whispered.

"That's my fault."The Tall man with the dark hair admitted."I badgered your Husband into a drink after work,I was hoping to have him here sooner but we got talking and lost track of time."

"Oh,Okay."I looked at Jeremy and faked a smile for the sake of the people around us."I guess you're forgiven then."

Jeremy stood with his hands in the pockets of his trousers,not even bothered to muster a smile in return. "Vanessa,This is Ollie,He's a good friend of mine.He's going to join us for dinner tonight."

"It's lovely to finally meet you."Ollie extended his hand out and shook mine."You're just as beautiful as the pictures,my friend here is a very lucky man."

I chuckled lightly."You're too kind,but thank you."
I looked at over at Natasha before setting my eyes on Jeremy."Jeremy, you remember my friend Natasha,Right?"My heart was pounding in my chest as I waited for him to say something. I was praying that he didn't bring his Dick head attitude to dinner.

"From the wedding,Nice to see you again."

"And from the bar when you punched that Guy for hitting on your wife,you were pretty pissed that night."
She smirked."Nice to see you too."

I was worried about him being rude but I never thought about her. I guess she has every right to be since we've been sitting here the last hour waiting on him.

I sat down at the table and everyone else did too,Jeremy was seated beside me but there was total distance between us.
It's just an hour or two,relax and get through it,Vanessa."Alright,Let's order then."

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