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I looked at the bouquet of Roses in my hands,feeling a little hopeful until I saw the name on the card. They had just been delivered to the studio,and that gave me hope that Jeremy had changed his mind about us being apart.

But No! His name wasn't on the card...

Michael's was,in big black ink. What a slap in the face it was. How did he even know where I worked anyway?

I crossed the room towards the tiny red bin in the corner and I threw the flowers inside. It was that type of bin that was so small it would only hold 3 to 4 items. The flowers were on top of a half eaten blueberry muffin and two take out coffee cups.

I've been spending most of my time in the studio the past few days,ever since Jeremy ended things. I found it uncomfortable being in his space after that. Not that he's been home, but just incase he decided to come back.

He's seen me naked..

He's had me in his bed..

And now he's done with me. He's bored of me and maybe he wants something or someone better. Maybe that's what it is-I don't know for sure. It's not as if he would talk to me.

Ugh,I'm so frustrated!!

I picked up my water bottle and threw it across the room in anger. I'm not usually one to lash out,but I couldn't help it.

"What did that bottle do to you?"Alex asked,drawing my attention up from the floor. He walked across the studio towards me."You look like you're in a bad mood!"

"I am!"I sighed,folding my arms across my chest."It's just been a rough couple of days."

Alex winced."Trouble in Paradise I'm guessing. What's going on,Lovely?You know that you can talk to me. When it comes to your fake marriage I'm literally the only one you can talk too."

"I wish you wouldn't call it that."I walked towards the chairs that were lined up at the side of the room and I sat down. I guess it's time to bare all. "Jeremy ended things between us the other night-after that Auction thing."

"Shit-I'm sorry,Lovely!"Alex sighed, before walking towards me and sitting down in the chair next to mine."Did something happen-Did he say why?"

Something definitely did happen,My ex showing up may have ticked him off. I know that Jeremy can be jealous-He's said so himself. But was it enough for him to just end things between us? No,I don't think so.

"Well Michael showed up at the Auction and he introduced himself to Jeremy,I don't think he was happy about it."I know already just by saying this,that Alex is going to totally freak out that Michael's made another appearance.

His eyes went round."He showed up, but how did he even know where you were? This doesn't sit well with me, especially after your meeting in Scotland."

"I know..I tried to get him to leave but he was more interested in talking."I sighed."I lied to Jeremy about who Michael was in Scotland,I think he knows that there's more to the story."

"He would be right in thinking so!"Alex rested back in his chair."Are you going to tell him-About everything that happened between you and Michael I mean?"

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