Chapter 99 : Desire

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Please check out the video above. It'll help you visualize Lamia's character💜

 It'll help you visualize Lamia's character💜

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Legend states that Medusa was a priestess of Athena.

A beauty cursed for breaking her vow of celibacy.

She was turned into a hideous being,

With snakes for hair and greenish skin.

Anyone who locked gaze with Medusa turned into stone.


The entire cave grew silent the moment Lamia asserted her bargain

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The entire cave grew silent the moment Lamia asserted her bargain. Lust didn't seem completely bothered. He tilted his head at her, crimson eyes that created an uncomfortable feeling when focused.

His wings stretched partially behind him, creating some air of dominance. Everything felt like a standoff; Emily staring straight at the sin in a daring manner. He stared back just the same.

Zion on the other hand looked like he wants to be anywhere other than in this freaking underground dump.

And I...


I was trying to numb out the excruciating pain stirring from my broken ribs. Henry's bite mark made everything two times worse. Speaking of the crocotta leader, he hasn't moved from his fallen position. His hyena-like form remained still against one corner of the cavern.

Is he...dead?

"You do know how to play dirty." Lust finally spoke up as he casually took off his black combat gloves. He grinned cynically. "Liam might let this go but I'm less lenient when someone betrays us." His eyes flicked to me. "Or hurts her."

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