Chapter 37 : Vortex

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He was the god of sexual longing,

yearning and desire.

He was one of the winged love-gods

And they were known as Erotes.

He's Pothos.


At the last second, I grabbed the handrails

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At the last second, I grabbed the handrails. My stomach constricted painfully like it could drop right from under me. I grasped desperately at the polished wood, trying to survive. Glancing down will only increase my panic by tenfold.

"Why you little..." Zeus was irritated. He made a move, but Liam tackled him to the side. They smashed against the railing, causing my hands to slip a bit.

No. No. No.

The wood was smooth. Which means I could easily slip. I tried my best to hold on as Liam delivered continuous blows to Zeus' face. At a point, he grabbed his bow and raised the sharp tip, ready to strike.

I couldn't control my cry. "No! You'll kill Zion!"

Liam heard me loud and clear. At the last second, he redirected his movements, evading Zeus' head completely.

The god smiled -- eyes crackling with electricity. An ear-shattering thunder rumbled through the skies. It skipped my racing heart by a second. Zeus shoved Liam and released lightning from his fingertips. It struck his chest, sending him a few feet in the air before crash landing to the ground. The scent of burnt skin reached my nostrils.

No. Liam!

I gathered up courage and looked down at the boulders. If I let go, I'll die. Then a crazy idea popped in mind.

I could make a portal.

"Sweet Pandora." Zeus hovered over me, his glowing eyes sparkling. "Sorry, it had to end like this."

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