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after school ended, i decided to go straight home since i was pretty tired. i was nearing the school gates when i sensed someone coming. i didn't want to get scared by nendou again so i decided that using my powers wouldn't hurt... nendou came up to me as i expected. "i'm gonna get ramen with my pals, do you want to join?" he asked me. i don't wanna be rude and decline his offer... i can rest later, we're just getting ramen. i thought to myself. "sure, i'll come!" i said with a smile.

while we were on our way to get ramen, we bumped into teruhashi. "oh! what a coincidence!" she gasped as she saw us. "hello, teruhashi!" i greeted her. "hello, l/n!" she greeted me back. "are you guys going to get ramen? can i join?" she asked us. "oh! teruhashi." nendou and kaidou said at the same time. "of course you can come, teruhashi." i told her. "great!" she smiled and tagged along.

while we were walking, nendou kept talking about how good the ramen was at the place he recommended, but once we got there, i was speechless. "not to be rude, but are we at the right place?" i asked nendou. "yes, why?" he asked with a confused look on his face. "this place looks really unsanitary." i said awkwardly. "yeah, we can't let teruhashi eat here!" kaidou said. "no, it's okay, maybe it's clean on the inside!" she said positively. i doubt it, but ok...

once we entered the shop, we weren't surprised at the state of the place. the shop looked like it hadn't been used in years and the place was really dirty... i wonder what teruhashi thinks about the place. i guess i could use my powers again... at this point, there was no doubt that you had powers and saiki was convinced that you were just like him. "maybe there's a really good cook inside the kitchen!" i read teruhashi's thoughts. i like your positivity, but i seriously doubt it.

once the owner served the ramen, we were rendered speechless for the third time. there's no way i'm eating this. i was even more speechless when i saw teruhashi eating the ramen. "are you sure you should be eating that?!?" i asked her. she didn't respond, but instead looked like all the life had been sucked out of her. "i think we should just leave this nasty place..." i suggested. "yeah..." kaidou agreed awkwardly. "i'm gonna head out first, if you guys don't mind." i said gathering my things. "yeah, we'll see you at school tomorrow!" kaidou said waving goodbye before i left.

i was on my way home when my stomach started to growl. i looked to my left and noticed a cafe that sold sweets. how convenient. i went inside and sat at a booth closer to the back of the shop. i ordered a strawberry cake and some coffee jelly. i was waiting for my food when i noticed a girl that had the same uniform as me. i'm pretty sure she's in the same class as me.

saiki's pov:
after that disappointment of a ramen shop, i just wanted some coffee jelly. i decided to go to the cafe i usually go to, my favorite cafe. before entering, i got a bad feeling. i really wanted coffee jelly though so i just ignored the bad feeling. once i entered, i saw yumehara. i read her mind and found out she knew i came here a lot and decided to come here in case i would show up. she saw me at the door and was about to call me, but i turned around and noticed the new girl was here. i ignored yumehara and went to where y/n was sitting. she was looking through her phone when she realized i was standing next to her. "oh, hey saiki!" she said with a bright smile. "what are you doing here? i thought you were heading home?" she asked me. "i was craving coffee jelly." i told her. "oh, is it your first time here as well?" she asked me. "no, i come here all the time." good grief, why did i tell her that? she might follow me here too. "what do you mean?" she asked me. "i didn't say anything." i caught you.

your pov:
"i didn't say anything." shit, i fucked up. "i caught you." i read saiki's mind. i forgot to keep my powers under control. "i caught you. what's that supposed to mean? you knew i could read minds?" i asked him. "yes, because i can read minds too." saiki confessed. "really?!?!" i said as my mouth dropped. "well that makes sense since you don't open your mouth when you talk. i'm guessing you use telepathy?" i guessed. "yes, i do." he admitted. "man, i just exposed myself, didn't i?" i laughed awkwardly. "i thought you were actually telling me that telepathically." i laughed awkwardly again. "how did you find out just now? you could've used your powers to find out way earlier." saiki asked me. "i can control my powers really well and i can use them or not whenever i like. i have other powers, but i like to keep the mind reading power under control since it gets a little annoying, you know?" i confessed. "you're very lucky, i can't control my mind reading abilities." saiki sighed. "awe man, that sucks, i'm really sorry." i apologized. "it's okay, i can't control it anyway."

"so what was that whole following thing about?" i asked him out of curiosity. "this girl from our class has a crush on me and she waited for me here." he told me. "i know that's really creepy, but why don't you give her a chance?" i asked him. "because i think relationships are pointless and i'm not interested in dating anyone." he told me. "oh, understandable." i replied.

author's note:
i'm gonna kinda go along with the anime, but not really, if that makes sense. my creativity has plummeted lately so i didn't know what to write...

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