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the next morning, i was more excited for school than usual. that's because of a certain someone. i left the house and made my way to saiki's. 

"good morning!" i greeted him as he walked out of his front door. "good morning." he smiled at me. i waited for him to lock his front gate, then we starting making our way to school. "did you sleep well?" saiki asked me. "yeah, i dreamt of you." i teased him. "oh, really? what was it about?" he asked, which i wasn't expecting. "we got married and i had a mini saiki." i teased him more. this seemed to make him flustered. "i was kidding." i laughed. "i can't see myself becoming a mother anyway." i continued. "yeah, me too." saiki chuckled. 

we finally arrived at school and we ran into teruhashi. "good morning, saiki!" she smiled brightly at him. he gave her no response and just blankly stared at her. "that date was fun, we should go on another one!" the girl clung onto the psychic's arm. he shook her off and looked back at me. i shook my head trying to convince him i was fine. "sorry, but i already have a date with y/n." he said as he took my hand and we walked away from teruhashi. i looked back at the girl and it looked as if her eyes had popped out of her head. "how dare he reject a girl like me!" teruhashi thought to herself. the both of us laughed having heard her thoughts. 

once we both reached the lockers for our shoes, the both of us burst out laughing. "the look on her face was hilarious! i can't believe you did that!" i playfully hit his side. "i can't believe i did that either!" he laughed as he put his shoes away in his locker. "wait, does this mean you just asked me out on a date?" i went silent after making that realization. "why, do you wanna go on a date with me?" saiki asked. i couldn't tell if he was teasing me or not. "wait, are you being serious? would you actually take me on a date?" i asked him, just wanting to make sure. "i'm serious." he answered. "in that case, i would love to go on a date with you." i gave him a warm smile. he returned the smile and we started walking to class together. 

before we entered the classroom, saiki held my hand. i gave him a confused look. "so everyone knows you're mine." he explained. as soon as we walked into the classroom, everyone was staring at us. "i thought you didn't like being the center of attention?" i asked saiki using telepathy. "i'm doing this so teruhashi and kuboyasu would back off." he answered. i tried my best to hold in my laughter. "he's just a friend, you had nothing to worry about from the start." i explained. we both sat down in our seats and that's when everyone started to whisper and talk about us. "are they dating?" someone whispered. "why were they holding hands?" god, these people really suck at whispering. 

kuboyasu came up to me and saiki immediately turned around. "i see you guys finally made up!" he exclaimed. "yeah, we sorted things out yesterday after school." i replied. kuboyasu noticed that saiki was glaring at him. "i don't like y/n like that, if that's what you're worried about. i promise you that we're just friends." he waved his hands in the air, defending himself. saiki read his mind to make sure he wasn't lying and when he was sure that kuboyasu wouldn't steal her away, he nodded and stopped giving him dirty looks. 

after school was over, saiki and i left the school hand in hand. "so, where are we going for our date?" i asked him. "let's go to that neighboring town that we were both at yesterday." he answered. "i'll beat you at all the arcade games!" i boasted. "oh, really? are you challenging me?" he raised an eyebrow at me. "yup! psychic vs. psychic!" i said enthusiastically. "before we go, let's teleport home and change first. i don't wanna stay in uniform." i suggested. "alright." saiki agreed. the both of us teleported home and i picked out my best outfit. 

after i was done changing, i teleported to the place that saiki told me to meet him at. not too far from where i was standing, i spotted saiki sitting on a bench, watching humming birds fly around the trees above him.  i smiled to myself as i walked up to him. "hi." i gave him a warm smile. "hi.." he said as he stared at me. "what's wrong?" i asked him. "nothing, you just look pretty." he smiled at me. "oh, thank you!" i blushed. we started walking toward the neighboring city. "i like your outfit." i complimented saiki as well. "thank you." 

author's note: here's the chapter i promised !! i'll write about the actual date in the next chapter, i hope you guys are looking forward to it :)

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