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i took my pencil and poked saiki's back. "will you stop doing that?" the angry psychic yelled at me through telepathy. "no, this is entertaining." i poked him once again. the students of class 3 were bored out of their minds and were waiting for class to finally end. they were all distracted, trying to find ways to make time go by faster, but when the teacher mentioned the class trip, everyone gave the teacher their undivided attention. "everyone will be in groups of 6. three girls and three boys. i will give you all 20 minutes to figure out your groups." the teacher announced. i poked saiki's back once again. "hey, let's be in a group together." i said, not giving him much of a choice. he turned around and gave me a blank stare. "be in my group." i demanded. "fine." he said as he stole my pencil from my hand. "hey!" i yelled, trying to get my pencil back. "stop poking me with your pencil." the angry psychic demanded. "lucky for me, i have more pencils." i said as i stuck out my tongue at him.

while saiki and i were arguing over pencils, our group of friends were silently watching us. "hey, guys?" kaidou approached us. i turned my gaze over to the confused boy. "hmm?" i hummed, confused as well. "can we be apart of your group?" he asked, scratching the back of his head. "yes, of course!" i said enthusiastically. a student walked over to us with a clipboard in hand. he handed it to me and went back to wherever he came from. "please fill this out with your group members' names." i read aloud. "y/n, teruhashi, yumehara, saiki, kaidou, and nendou." i mumbled to myself as i wrote everyone's names. as soon as i finished, i handed the clipboard back to the teacher and we resumed with the class.

after class was over, the only thing that was being talked about was the class trip. the part of the trip that i was most excited about was the beach. shit, i don't even have a bathing suit yet. where are teruhashi and yumehara when i need them?! once i found the duo, i asked them to accompany me in swim suit shopping. "of course we'll go with you! we'll even help you pick out a swim suit!" yumehara said enthusiastically. "that's great! i'll meet you guys at the gate after school. don't be late!" i waved at them before walking away. i'm hungry. i'll bother saiki and see if he has food.

"there you are!" i yelled in excitement after finding the psychic. "you have any food on you?" i asked desperately. "no, i thought you brought some." saiki answered. "i thought i brought food, turns out i forgot it at home..." i said scratching the back of my head awkwardly. "how stupid of you." he said face palming. "shut up. i forgot to bring it because i was running late, okay!" i said, crossing my arms. "anyway, what are you bringing for the class trip? i'm gonna bring snacks! lots of them!" i said enthusiastically. "i don't know yet." he said plainly. "how boring." i said as i stuck out my tongue at him. the psychic just glared at me.

the end of school came around and it was time to go swim suit shopping! i alerted saiki about where i was going and started making my way to the front gate. "y/n, wait!" i heard him call for me. "hm?" i hummed, turning around. several people were crowding around him and he looked very fed up with them all. "i'm going with you." he said, not giving me a choice on whether he could come or not. "we're going shopping for swim suits, are you sure you want to come?" i double checked with him. "yes, please, just get me away from this crowd of idiots." saiki begged as he ditched the so called "idiots."

once we arrived at the front gate, yumehara and teruhashi were already waiting. "hey guys! sorry for making you wait, saiki decided that he wanted to come with us." i apologized to the duo. "you didn't tell me that they were coming." he told me. "i made sure if you really wanted to tag along and you quickly said yes. it's kinda your fault." i crossed my arms and gave him a sassy look. "no complaining, you came here all on your own. i never forced you into anything." i said before walking off to catch up with teruhashi and yumehara.

once we arrived at the bikini store, i immediately started going through the racks of swim suits. i went through each of them carefully, picking out the ones that i liked. "hmm, i feel like y/n would look good in f/c." yumehara said as she looked me up and down. "i think so too." teruhashi said agreeing. "hey y/n, try this one out." yumehara said, handing me a f/c two piece. "ok, i'll go to the fitting rooms." i said, taking the swim suit from her hands.

i put the swim suit on and slowly peeked my head out the door. "oh hey saiki..." i said awkwardly. "where's teruhashi and yumehara?" i asked, looking around the store. "they're picking out swim suits as well." saiki answered pointing to the duo from across the store. "i don't know whether i look good or not so i kinda need their opinions." i avoided eye contact with him. "i'm sure you look fine." he said looking at me with a confused face. "i just don't like showing this much skin so i'm kinda uncomfortable." i admitted. "do you want me to call them over?" he offered. "no, i don't wanna bother them while they're picking out their swim suits." i said scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. "i'll just show you the swim suit... you're gonna see it at the beach anyway." i said with a slight blush across my cheeks. i slowly opened the door. i avoided eye contact with saiki as i was too shy to look him in the eyes. i stood there, staring at the floor, waiting for the psychic's opinion. "so...?" i asked, getting more uncomfortable the longer he stared. i looked up to see saiki's face almost like the color of his hair. is he blushing?? when the psychic realized what you were thinking, he quickly covered his face with his hands. "i am not blushing." he denied, putting emphasis on the not. "just tell me want you think." i said, growing impatient. "you look...good." saiki admitted. "thank you." i said before quickly shutting the door to the fitting room. why is my heart beating so fast?!

what is this weird feeling?! a certain psychic thought to himself.

"we never got to see your swim suit!!" the duo expressed their disappointment. "it's ok, guys!! you can see it during our class trip." i attempted to cheer them up. "awe ok.." they said, disappointed, but still accepted it. "anyway, i'm gonna head home now. i'm gonna pack my things for the trip!" i said, starting to feel excited at the thought of packing for the trip. "we're gonna head home as well! bye y/n, saiki!" the pair or girls waved before walking off together. "you should head home too." i turned to saiki. "bye!" i waved at him before leaving as well. "bye." he waved back.

saiki's pov:
what was that feeling?? it's nothing like i've felt before. i was laying on my bed trying to figure out what was happening to me. am i sick?? but i never get sick. the image of y/n getting shy kept replaying in my mind. it was kinda cute, not gonna lie. i thought to myself as i smiled, remembering her pink stained cheeks and her getting flustered when i told her she looked good. no, stop. what am i thinking?!

your pov:
i put the bathing suit back on and stood in front of the mirror. i inspected every part of myself. he's gonna see me in this eventually, why was i so nervous earlier? it's the beach, what are you so stressed about?  i changed back into my normal clothes and started packing. i took the bag of snacks that i bought the day before and put them into a separate bag. gotta have something to eat on the plane. while i was packing, the image of saiki blushing started to play in my mind. what the hell? why do i keep thinking about him? i lightly slapped myself on the cheeks to re-focus on the task at hand, but the more i tried to stop myself from thinking about him, the more the image replayed in my head. do i like him?

author's note:
i kinda wanna change the title, but i don't know what to change it to... i put it as a temporary title because i was too excited to start this and publish it that i forgot to think of a better title. should i change it or keep it?

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