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"so you don't like anyone?" i asked him out of curiosity. "no." he said bluntly. "man, you're boring." i joked. "i am not boring."  saiki defended himself using his actual voice. "holy fuck, this is the first time, i'm hearing your actual voice! this is the first time you're using your mouth to speak up." i playfully rolled my eyes at him. "shut up." he said using his actual voice again. "oh my god, he did it again!!!" i teased him. "i'm not gonna speak anymore, not even telepathically." saiki said as he was very fed up with your teasing. "relax, i was just kidding." i laughed. "what about you? do you like anyone?" saiki asked with emphasis on the you. "not at the moment." i answered his question. "i mean, i definitely am not ready for a relationship right now, but i wouldn't mind being in one. i would honestly like to be in one. i'm kinda touch starved to be honest..." i admitted. saiki stayed silent and it was getting kinda awkward... "i just made everything awkward, didn't i? i think it's time i leave anyway, i'm pretty tired." i said trying to diffuse the tension. "it was nice talking to you, i'll see you at school. bye, saiki!" i waved at him as i left the booth we were sitting at. "bye." he said using telepathy.

time skip because i've run out of ideas
i finally arrived at the school gates and i was getting ready to head to my class. as soon as i entered the school, this girl with brown, shoulder length hair came up to me. i think this is the girl i saw at the cafe yesterday. "i didn't know you and saiki were close." she told me without any context. "uhm, what?" i have no idea what is going on... "i was at the cafe you and saiki were at." she said. i knew it. "oh okay, who are you again?" i asked her. she didn't even say her name or introduce herself. "oh, i'm yumehara chiyo." she introduced herself. "oh, it was nice meeting you, yumehara, but i think i should head to class now." i told her politely. i was about to escape her when teruhashi came. "y/n, you finally met yumehara!" teruhashi cheered. "let's walk to class together!" she said holding onto my arm. saiki, please help me. your stalker has found me. i thought to myself hoping saiki heard my thoughts. "sorry, can't help you." i heard his voice in my head. "you literally have powers, do something, anything." i begged him. "no." he said plainly.

the bell rang and i was finally free from that stalker. i sat down in my seat and saiki turned around to look at me. i rolled my eyes at him. "you know you have powers too, right?" he asked me. "yeah, but i can't use my powers in front of them!" i told him telepathically. "that's why i asked you." i told him. "well, you can relax now because she can't bother you during class." he reassured me. "let's hope you're right." i said as he turned back around. i was getting my books for class out when someone tapped me on the shoulder. i turned around to see yumehara trying to get my attention. "what was that about? why were you two just staring at each other?" she whispered to me. i turned back around. "well, you were wrong..." i told saiki telepathically. yumehara kept tapping my shoulder until i gave her an answer. "we were just having a staring contest, now please leave me alone." i told her as politely as i could. "really? that was your response??" saiki mentally face palmed himself. "shut up." i rolled my eyes. "it was the only response i could think of on the spot."

author's note:
this was more of a filler chapter, but i have stuff to do today, so i just kept this chapter short, but i'll make up for it :)

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