Learning Lessons.

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I felt something shaking me awake. I mumbled and batted at the hand. I heard a soft chuckle and a pair of arms scoop me up and out of my seat. I smiled and leaned against the familiar heat of Cadaver’s muscly chest. I yawned.

“Where are we, Sir?” I whispered against his skin.

“We had to make a stop along the way, darling. Dusty’s filling up the tank. I thought I would take you in to get you something to eat and such. Do you need to use the restroom?”

I nodded and opened my eyes to look up at him. He looked down at me and smiled brightly.

“How are you still so energetic?” I groaned, rubbing my head.

He laughed and ruffled my head, “Alphas and Betas have to have enough energy to take care of their packs and mates, my girl.”

“Hm…” I hummed.

I heard the jingle as the doors of the rest stop opened. Cadaver set me on my feet, his arm pulling me tightly against him.

“Bathroom first?”

“Yes please, Sir.”

“Stay with me at all times, darling.”

I nodded tiredly and he guided me to the restroom. He opened the door and gave me a slight push forward. I stumbled and turned around to look at him.

“Go, baby. I’ll be right out here.” His eyes flickered in the dull lighting and I smiled.

“Yes, Sir.” I whispered and turned back around, heading into the first open stall. I sighed and lifted up the bottom of my dress, yanking down my panties. I sat on the toilet and did my business quickly. I pulled my panties back up and flushed. I opened the stall door and stepped out, heading to the sink. I turned on the faucet and soaped up my hands. I rinsed it off and then looked up at myself in the mirror. My white hair had begun to curl at the ends, the red streaks looked darker than they had before. I groaned softly and splashed my face with cold water and then ran my fingers through my hair. I mussed it a bit and then shook my head at myself, smiling.

I heard a knock on the ladies room door, “Darling? Are you almost done?”

“Yes, Sir. I’ll be out in a moment.”

I put my hands under the dryer for a few minutes and then shook the rest of the water off. I pushed the door open and stepped out. Cadaver looked relieved.

“There you are, my little girl. You had me worried, you took so long. Hungry?”

“Yes, Sir. Starved, actually.” I smiled at him.

“Let’s get something in that little tummy then, baby girl.” Cadaver rubbed his hand in circles around my stomach. It growled loudly and I blushed. He just laughed and shook his head. We headed to the little snack aisle.

“Anything look good, sweetie?”

I hummed and grabbed a little bag sunflower seeds, looking up at him for approval. He nodded and grabbed them from me, heading to the checkout counter. I trailed behind him, sticking close to his side. He stopped at the cashier’s desk and placed the bag on the counter.

“This and a bottle of water, please.” Cadaver ordered.

The cashier nodded and rung up the sunflower seeds and then grabbed a bottle of water and rang that up as well.

“Bag?” He asked, looking at Cadaver.

“No thank you.” He answered and handed over the money.

The boy put it in the register and handed him change and the sunflower seeds and bottle of water. I felt the cashier’s eyes glued to me and it made me highly uncomfortable. I whimpered softly and pressed myself against Cadaver, almost wishing I could disappear into him so that boy would stop staring at me. Cadaver shoved me behind him and let out a roar, aimed at the cashier. The boy’s eyes went wide as he moved his gaze over to my Alpha.

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