Pack Mates and Play Things

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Cadaver carried me out of the room and down the hallway without breaking a sweat, as if I weighed no more than a feather.

“Put me down! I’m heavy!” I hissed at him.

He chuckled and moved me to face him and then gave me a little toss into the air. I shrieked and covered my face, but Cadaver only laughed and caught me in his outstretched arms.

“Alphas are built to take care of their pack, their mates, and their omegas. If I couldn’t even carry you, what kind of Alpha or Mate would I be, darling?” Cadaver chuckled and I blushed, curling up to him.

I ran my small hand over his bare chest and whispered, “Are you really going to punish me, Sir?”

Cadaver looked down at me in amusement, “You didn’t listen darling. And I’m sure it won’t be nearly as bad as you think it will.”

He winked, the curve of his lips curling into that sexy smile. I tried to say something but ended up stuttering. I just shook my head and sunk further into his tight hold. He continued walking until we reached a bigger room. I peeked out from the cover of his chest and smiled. There were the pack members. I waved shyly, which received a few chuckles and some waves. I looked up at Cadaver and poked his cheek. He grinned and ruffled my hair. He carefully set me on my feet and then greeted his pack members. I shadowed him, hand anxiously creeping toward his arm to anchor myself and calm my nerves.

Cadaver seemed to know what I was thinking even though I didn’t, and wrapped an arm around my waist, tugging me up to his side.

“So this is your little mate. She’s absolutely gorgeous, Sir.” A man with choppy brown hair and a beautiful brown eye said. I couldn’t see the other eye since his hair was covering it. I smiled at him.

“Thank you, Brev.” Cadaver smiled, that twinkle in his eyes again.

“She really is adorable.” A small oriental-looking woman commented.

She stepped toward me and placed a hand on my arm, rubbing it comfortingly.

“It’s alright, sweetie. No need to be nervous. We’re all so happy to have you here. It’s always wonderful to have a new addition to the pack. Not to mention, you’re our King’s mate. His happiness brings us happiness in return.” She smiled at me, “My name is Chesha. It’s very nice to meet you.”

I blushed, taken a bit by surprise by her enthusiasm. And she had talked to me…not to Cadaver. How odd.

“I-it’s very nice to meet you too, Chesha. Your name is very beautiful.” I said, stuttering a bit.

She laughed and hugged me, “Thank you. I’m sure yours will be even more so.”

I flushed even darker and nodded. Cadaver let out a loud laugh and rubbed my back with his hand in soothing motions. I relaxed and leaned into him. So far, these people seemed wonderful.

“Of course it will be, Chesha. Such a beautiful and delightful creature deserves nothing less.” A man with red hair, very similar to Quinn’s spoke up.

The woman beside him laughed and hit his arm. She had big green eyes and long black hair. Her skin was darker than the caramel tone of Cadaver.

“Thank you, Connall.” Cadaver said dryly.

Connall blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, “Sorry ‘bout that, Sir.” He had a soft Irish accent.

I couldn’t help laughing. Connall seemed like a riot, even if he had made such an embarrassing comment. Cadaver rolled his eyes at me and Connall gave me a sheepish grin. I grinned back and waved to him.

“That’s Connall and his mate, Juno.” Cadaver explained.

“They seem lovely.” I replied and ran a hand through my hair.

“They are.” Cadaver grinned, obviously proud of his pack.

I heard someone’s footsteps behind me and I turned. Dusty walked in and immediately apologized to Cadaver.

“Sorry, Sir. Errands went a little slower today. Please forgive me.” He said.

“You’re fine. Now come join us.” Cadaver dismissed him.

Dusty grinned and pulled a woman and man into his arms. He kissed the woman’s head and tickled the other man’s side.

“How are my darlings?” Dusty said with tenderness.

“Very good, Sir. We’ve both been very good!” the woman smiled.

“Yeah! Tell him, Cadaver.” The smaller man said enthusiastically.

“Yes, yes. You’ve both been perfectly fine.” Cadaver said with annoyance, but a spark of amusement hide in his voice.

I leaned toward Cadaver and whispered, “Are they both his mates?”

“Yes, baby girl. And they’re all very much in love.” Cadaver replied with a huge smile, gazing at the three, “The woman is Sunny and his other mate is Raine.”

Dusty grinned at me and nuzzled his mates. Sunny was a beautiful dark chocolate with curly dark brown hair and violet colored eyes. Raine had strikingly pale white skin, toffee colored hair, and gorgeous hazel eyes. It seemed that everyone was extremely attractive and kind. Only Brev seemed a little sad. He looked at Cadaver, who nodded at him. Brev quietly left the room. The rest of the pack ignored it and continued to chat with their Alpha. I watched Brev leave and felt…incredibly sorrowful and restless. I wouldn’t pry, though. With a sigh, I turned back to Cadaver and my pack mates. 

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