Ribbons and Rogues

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“My darling Carissimi…”

My eyes lit up and I looked up at Cadaver. His normally amber eyes were glowing brighter, like starlight…like the sun. He was my sun and I was the moon, basking in the light of his affection. I glowed under his gaze. He laughed softly and brushed back a stray strand hair from my face. He looked thoughtful for a moment, rubbing the strand between his finger and thumb. Then he looked at me and smiled, taking my hair and weaving his hands through it, rubbing his fingers along my scalp. I groaned gently. I heard a soft chuckle and rolled my eyes. My Alpha loved to tease me.

“Sir, what are you doing?” I asked tentatively.

He hummed in response and began to braid my hair. I flushed bright red and closed my eyes. His fingers were precise and quick. He laid the finished braid over my shoulder and wrapped a black ribbon around the end and tied it in a bow.


“It’s so everyone knows what pack you belong to.” He said softly, “You’re part of a royal pack. Now everyone will know. And soon…when you are ready, everyone will know who you belong to as well.”

He brushed his lips against the top of my head and then took my hand in his. He carefully shifted me off of his lap so I could stand, still holding onto my hand. He then stood beside me, grinning.

“Carissimi…my beloved. A perfect name for the only girl who could ever love a corpse.” He grinned proudly.

The pack looked shocked at first, but soon began to applaud. Dusty was the first to move forward to greet me. His kissed my hand and grinned at his Alpha, Cadaver.

“A beautiful name for an even more beautiful girl, Sir.”

Cadaver’s eyes twinkled at that and he pulled Dusty into a hug. The rest of the pack hooted and moved in around us, hugging Cadaver, me, and each other. I felt so happy. I felt… wanted. Nothing about my past mattered. These people…my pack…Cadaver…they were my future. Maybe it was time to let go of my doubts and insecurities and to live as I wished. I wanted to live with these people…to run with them. I tapped Dusty on the arm, being too short to reach his shoulder. He looked down at me and then blushed, moving out of my way. I grinned and gave him a brief hug, which he gladly accepted. I smiled and released him. Then, I turned and smiled at Cadaver. At the man that I was slowly falling in love with.

I looked him over. He looked the same. The same olive toned skin, curly black hair, and gold eyes. Maybe it wasn’t him that was changing…maybe it was me. Cadaver studied me curiously in return and then his lips drew up in a smirk. I flushed and threw myself against his chest, nuzzling him. He laughed and hugged me close to him.

“Do you like your name?” he looked into my eyes, concerned.

I smiled at him…my Alpha…Always watching out for me.

“I love it, Sir.” Tears pooled at the corners of my eyes and I blinked them back.

I couldn’t tell, but I think his eyes looked a little watery too.

“I’m glad.” He kissed me.

His lips were soft this time, not demanding any more of me than this. He drew back and ran a thumb across my bottom lip. I giggled and leaned against his hand.

“You’re sort of amazing, you know?” Cadaver told me.

I bit my lip for a second and then winked at him, “I know…my Alpha.”

His jaw dropped for a second and then he closed his mouth and cleared his throat. Another one of those grins graced his face and I was filled with warmth. He kissed me again, and I could taste it. The joy, the love, the want on his lips. It spilled into me and pooled hotly in my stomach. I moaned softly, but he swallowed the sound. He ran his tongue across my lip and then tugged it between his teeth, pulling playfully. I closed my eyes and shivered against him. He released my lip and then stole another quick kiss.

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