Punishments and Pet Names

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Cadaver’s eyes twinkled as he pulled me out from behind him. I huffed and he rolled his eyes before turning to address his pack mates.

“I have gathered you all here to firstly, meet my mate. However, my little omega also disobeyed her Alpha. And as we all know, she must be punished accordingly,” his eyes raked up my body and I whimpered.

I heard Dusty chuckle and I snapped my head up to look at him. Raine was giggling and whispering something in his Dominant’s ear. I heard Dusty growl in his ear and his hand grabbed his ass forcefully, squeezing. The smaller boy blushed and nuzzled him. I caught Sunny’s eyes and she winked at me, and then gazed at her two mates with a look of adoration. I flushed bright red and turned my eyes back to the earthen floor.

“Baby girl.” His voice roared through me, bringing me seemingly back to life.

I looked up at him, nervous. I could feel myself trembling. Cadaver turned his back to me and walked fluidly across the room. His large form sunk into a chair. A soft creak was the only noise in the room. It was quiet. I could hear the sound of my own breath, and the stutter of my heartbeat. I closed my eyes and tried to steady both. Nope. There was no way that was going to happen.


I gasped and my eyes shot open. His voice was a shot of fire through my veins. His dominance pulled at me, twisting me into any shape he desired...And I loved it. I took a deep, shaky breath and with my eyes trained on the ground, slowly walked to where my Alpha sat.

“Look at me.”

Another jump of pure adrenaline. What was this man doing to me? I raised my eyes to meet his. Gold. That was all I could think. I was lost again, craving depthless endeavors, searching for an end. I knew there was no escape. And slowly, I was beginning to forget why I’d ever want to. Cadaver pulled me to him and laid me so that I was across his lap, ass pushed up.

“Hold on to my leg.” His voice was quieter, growing rougher with want.

I sniffled and dug my fingers into his pants. His hand brushed across my left cheek.

“I need you to breathe for me, baby. Slow, deep breaths.” He whispered.

I squeezed my eyes shut and breathed in and out, slowly.

“Good girl. I’m going to spank you now.”

My breath caught in my throat. He rubbed my backside again and I shuddered out a breath. I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself. I couldn’t focus. I was too wrapped up in wondering when he would deliver the first one. I heard a woosh of air as Cadaver brought his hand down on my right cheek. I whimpered at the sting. Another. And another. They were getting increasingly harder. I focused on the harsh of his breath. I could feel his length beginning to press up against me and I whined louder. I blush stained my cheeks. I could practically feel the heat eminently from my flushed ass. His hand was gentle but firm as he punished me. With a soft groan, I rubbed myself against his thigh and heard a sharp intake of breath from him. I repeated the action once more, earning a low moan from him.

“Stop. This is for your punishment. Not for your outright pleasure.” Cadaver’s voice was commanding, but I could hear a trace of amusement in his voice.

He pulled me up to sit on his lap and kissed my tear stained cheeks. I felt dizzy and somehow content. I rubbed my cheek against his and purred into his ear, “Anything I do with you Sir, is surely pleasure.”

Cadaver growled at that and his eyes flickered, pupils growing larger. I could see his Wolf coming out. His fangs slid across my bottom lip, drawing a small droplet of blood. I felt it trickle down my chin. His tongue traced its path, licking up the red stain. I groaned gently and wrapped my arms around his neck, hiding my face against his chest. My face was burning again. I felt his hand on my hair, stroking and calming me.

“What am I going to do with you?” He laughed.

And then in a quieter voice he said, “You took your punishment so well, baby girl. Such a good girl for me.”

I sighed against his bare skin and nuzzled him. He pressed his lips to my forehead and I melted.

“That’s my good girl.” He praised me.

I sunk further into him, basking in my Alpha’s affection.

“Good job, little omega.” Dusty hollered at me and I froze. I had forgotten the rest of the pack was even here. I clutched Cadaver tighter and whined. Cadaver laughed and nuzzled me.

“Thank you, Dusty. I’m very happy to have her.”

I blushed again and smiled up at him. He grinned and stole my breath with his enchanting lips. I moaned and kissed him back. Cadaver’s eyes twinkled and he pulled back to look at me with a soft expression.

“My darling Carissimi.”

Sorry it's so short, darlings. Just very stressful since I've been sick and having to deal with the chance that I might be moving. Here's a little taste for your greedy tongues ;)

~Little Red~

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