T w e l v e

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~ Emily ~

"What the actual fudgemallow! Vincent came over to your place! Wow dear, I'm so happy for you."

Those were the exact words of Skyler, the one and only.

Without being able to contain her excitement, she hugged me then and there in the school hallway.

The students who passed by us gave us weird looks, but she doesn't seem to be bothered by it at all. I just awkwardly smiled at them, not knowing what else to do.

"Tell me everything." She breathlessy demanded.

I really was prepared for an interrogation session.

"Don't let your imaginations run wild. Let me state it in simple words; Vincent Zaphyr was having a meeting with my mom and not me." I explained it like I was talking to a kid.

Even though she really is one.

Skye frowned, "That doesn't count as explaining everything. Tell me from the very beginning, Em."

I playfully sighed at her stubbornness.

"Okay then."

She nodded impatiently, and her pupils dilated with anticipation.

I recited the incident to her, and by now, I've repeated the same story twice. Firstly, to my mom and now, to Skyler.

She was dumbstruck after my 'And that is how I met, Vincent' explanation.

I didn't know that I had the superpower of silencing Skye. Wow.

I poked at her shoulder, "Say something, Skye. You look like a zombie now." I teased her.

She immediately snapped out of her trance, at my remark.

"How dare you call me a zombie!" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Ah, there there," I grinned, "So, I did tell everything now, didn't I?"

"Yeah. I-I just couldn't... This was all too much information for my brain to process -"

She looked genuinely concerned, but she quickly converted it into a crazy grin, "but I'm truly happy for you, lovergirl! How do you feel about Vincent now, as you got to meet him personally."

"Honestly, I was overjoyed that I could meet him, but the situation wasn't very, y'know... I just hope that he becomes better after all this. He looked too devastated that day." I said as we entered our English class and took our seats.

Was he even present?

Just then, Vincent stepped into the class. I gave him a small smile, but his face remained grim. The next moment, he just nodded in my direction as though he had remembered something just then.

His gesture looked very forced.

My mom must have some involvement in this sudden change of attitude.

At least, he was trying, and that's all that mattered.

I turned towards Skye to confirm whether she had witnessed our tension-filled greeting.

I was sure that she would've watched it all without even blinking.

She nodded her head in a teasing way. I gave a sheepish grin.

The rest of the class went by slowly as I stole glances at him and smiled to myself.

You've really lost it, Emily.

"Heyya Emily!" I looked over my shoulder to face the person who called me.

Wish I Were Heather  ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora