T w e n t y - S e v e n

691 31 28

~ Emily ~

"Hey, dad!"

Emil ran towards our father and wrapped his tiny arms around him while he happily returned back the affection.

We are now at the airport to pick him up after his long business trip from Australia.

"Lilly and Emily." He called us in a way like he always did.

We, too, approached him and contributed our fair share of love through an embrace.

Emil jumped up and down in excitement, "Dad, dad! You bought my favorite racing car?"

He feigned a guilt-striken look, "Sorry honey, I forgot."

That saddened Emil beyond dad's estimation, so dad decided to quit this game and tell him the truth, "I was just kidding." He ruffled Emil's hair messily, "How could I forget my boy's wishes?"

That statement lightened up his face, and they hugged again.

"Okay, lovelies, it's time for us to go back home." Mom declared, and there was no room for any argument.

We were halfway through our way to home when my phone vibrated, indicating that I just received a text.

My guess was right, and it was Skyler.

It read :



- S


Now this can't be good. . .

I was about to reply to her message when she texted again. And again.


Did u hear dat the Xavier guy got arrested?? 😵

- S



There was only one Xavier I'd heard of and -


U remember Cole?

The one I'd talked thru the phone bcz of dat stupid dare by Derek. Yaa Derek. . . I'm not gonna spare him that idiot, stupid, good for nothing fool.

- S


This was going nowhere, so I texted her.


Just calm down Skye and u didn't tell me everything.

- E


Oh yeah. . . I jus got a lil carried away 🙈

Anyway I heard dat Cole ratted out his dear friend in fear of being arrested for supporting a drug dealer cuz he did believe that I had the call recording with me.

With his father being a cop and all it was jus a piece of cake 4 him to get Xavier out of his way.

- S


Oh. My. God.


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