S e v e n t e e n

818 35 55

~ Vincent ~


That was the most suitable word to describe the sight laid in front of me - my parents setting up the dining table for breakfast.

I know it was weird of me to describe such a normal family thing as something so big, but it was a big deal for me.

Seeing my confused and amused expression, my mom greeted, "Good morning, dear. Why're you standing there? Come here, take a seat."

My dad noticed me and said, "Yeah, Vincent, and you'll be happy to know that Violet has prepared your favorite breakfast,.. bacon and cheese sandwich."

Pinching myself, I realised that I'm not dreaming, so I immediately obliged and occupied a chair.

After setting the table neatly, my parents took their seats.

Then I did one thing, I thought I would never do.

I prayed.

For the food. For getting a chance to have a family meal like this. And above all, for the angel who made such a positive difference in my parents' mentality.

I never believed in angels and stuff like that, but... now I did.

After my prayer, I opened my eyes to see two surprised faces.

"What happened?" I asked in confusion.

"Nothing, son. I'm just happy to properly see you again." My dad said while taking a sip from the orange juice.

"Oh." I said and nodded.

I didn't expect him to openly admit that.

"Yeah, Dave, you're right." My mom now turned in my direction. "The last few weeks have been hectic for us and for you as well. Vincent, we now realise that we hadn't been the perfect parents you deserve. We had been blindly caught up in our jobs and couldn't see the things you had to deal with. We're truly sorry for our actions. But from now,.. we are willing to change for you. So,.. would you give us a chance to us and forgive us for our irresponsibility?"

I gulped, taken aback by her speech. "Y-Yeah."

She clasped her hands together in happiness.

"You would?!" My dad asked as if not expecting it.

Well, I wouldn't have accepted their apology that easily, but nowadays, my mood was better, so yes, I did forgive them.

"Yes, dad. I'm glad that you realise this finally," I said and took a small bite of the sandwich; relishing it.

I didn't know why, but I instantly remembered Emily. Maybe, because she too cooked deliciously like my mom. Yeah, that's why...

"Thank you, champ! That means a lot to me." My father said.

It's been a long time since my dad called me that nickaname. He used to tell me that I'm his champion.

"So, how's school these days?" He asked me while my calm and composed posture changed at his dialogue. Surprisingly, he noticed that.

"Leave it. It doesn't matter, anyway." He immediately added, and I relaxed.

So, my parents have now started to observe me keenly.

"So Vincent, would you accompany me to our lake house this weekend? Like old times?" He asked expectantly.

"Sorry, dad, this weekend we've a fundraising program, and I'm supposed to volunteer the kids." I honestly said.

I thought his happiness would fade at my rejection, but instead, he beamed even happily at me now.

"Really?! That's awesome, and I'm proud of you, son."

This was so unusual of my dad because he wasn't the one to express his emotions like this. That was the one and only behavioral trait I inherited from my father.

"Who are you going with? Is Emily there?" My mom asked me.

How did she know Emily? Oh yeah, the cupcake incident.

My mom was really surprised when she learned that I had befriended a girl, visited her home, and brought her handmade cupcakes for my family.

If I had an option of not at all introducing Emily to her, I would've happily done it but since I had to give a reason about the cupcakes, I really didn't have a choice but to spill everything to her.

Except for the cliff and therapy thing - obviously.

She continued, "And Vincent, I almost forgot. Emily told me that you, too, baked the cupcakes."


"When did you meet Emily?" I asked suspiciously.

Her eyes widened for a split second, but she quickly masked it.

"Yesterday at my bakery. She came along with her mom, and that's how we coincidentally met." She responded with a nervous chuckle.

I felt like she was omitting some details? Some important details.

"And my question is why didn't you tell me that you prepared it?" My mom quickly flipped the subject at hand.


I shrugged. "I didn't know, that was important to y'all."

Someday, my honesty is going to be the end of me.

"Why would you think like that? Everything about my son holds so much importance to me,.. to us." She looked at my dad, and he nodded, agreeing.

She sighed, "Anyways, I just wanted to appreciate you for your nice baking. It was really tasty." She smiled at me.

"Thank you, mom." I said.

"And you didn't tell me who you are going with?" She asked with the same intensity of interest.

"Uh, with Derek, my... friend and yeah, mom, Emily will also be there with her friend, Skyler."

"So y'all guys gettin' along well?" She asked with hope.

"Yeah,.. you can say that." I guess.

"You don't know how happy I'm for you. My son is finally making friends." She proudly said.

Technically, I didn't make any friends. Emily sort of forced me to join her friend circle.

Not that I complain. At least, not anymore.

I wanted to admit that Emily was the one who mostly did the baking work, but I'm sure that she didn't mention it to my mom. And, I just let it slide.

After all, Emily coincidentally met my mother, which in turn brought my once happy family back to me.

So now I learned that the angel whom I mentioned before has got a name.

Yeah, the angel's got a name.

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