Q n A

654 17 69

( Just a little interaction between the readers and the characters. You can scroll to the next chapter if you want. )

~ Emily ~

Q. Why so nice?

A. *shrugs innocently*

I guess, because it doesn't hurt to be nice to everybody.

Q. What is the first feature that you noticed about Vincent?

A. Like in the first time, I met him? Mmm. . . I first saw Vincent when I was around 8 and he used to be my classmate. Coming to your question. . . His messy hair was the first feature I noticed about Vincent.

Q. Do you love Vincent?

A. *looks at you in disbelief*

Seriously? I thought it was obvious.

Q. How did you befriend Skyler?

A. Well. . . We were together since kindergarten but I don't remember how exactly we became friends. We used to play with each other and yeah, with time that weirdo became my bestfriend.

Skyler : I heard that, Emily!

Emily : *jaw drops* Hayat! You promised that this QnA session is confidential!

Hayat : *looks just as confused as Emily*  Trust me Emily, I don't know from where Skyler flew in!

Skyler : *smirks and waves the magic wand in air*

Wingardium Leviosa!

*quickly vanishes*

Q. Do you think Vincent is attractive? If yes, then what is the most physically attractive feature about him?

A. *blushes and looks at you and then blushes again*

O-Of course. Why not? Uh- for me, the most attractive feature about Vincent, is his catfish nose.

*nervously chuckles and looks around to check whether Vincent is around*

Q. I love you! Will you marry me?

A. *eyes widen* Uh-um. . . *coughs* You're joking right?

Q. If you hadn't been in love with Vincent, then would you have accepted Derek?

A. The answer to this question is. . . NO. I already love Vincent so there is no point in thinking about other impossible possibilities, right? *politely smiles*

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