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Once I stepped inside he grabbed my shoulders and threw me to the ground. "You were late actually, young lady! By twenty minutes. I looked at The clock and it said 9:53. Then looked back at jared.

"Please don't hurt me. Please. I didn't know-" he kicked my stomach. I gripped it with my hands. And clenched my teeth and eyes. I felt tears start to come to my eyes. I trembled with fear. "You never can listen Brenda!" He yelled picking me up by my neck and throwing me to the wall. My neck now cringed. I wanted to say something but decided to keep my mouth shut. "Go to your room. Now. And give me your phone." He held out his hand. I didn't dare I move or talk. "Now Brenda!" He yelled. "You can't take it away from me! Your not my dad! An no matter how much you want to be, you won't!" I ran upstairs and shut the door after running into my room. I turned around and locked the door.

I leaned against it and pulled my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. And cried. I heard him stomp up the stairs. Then bang on the door. I buried my head in my knees am arms. "Don't you ever speak to me like that again young lady! I will ground you for how ever the fuck I want to!" I cried even more. I gulped. I heard some lighter footsteps come up the stairs. "Honey, calm down. He's only about twenty minutes late. She needs her privacy. And I will make the decision of what I think about that boy tomorrow. Just lower your tone and don't speak to her that way. She's a teenager. She's going to say stuff wither we like it or not." He was still angry. He stomped back down the stairs. My mother quietly and softly knocked on the door. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Sweetie? Are you okay? Can you let me in? I'm not mad." She said so Simmental. I sniffed and looked up. I know my eyes were full of blur, but I could make out a figure standing over me. Once I blinked away the blur I noticed it was Scott. "Let her in. She wants to help." He whispered before quietly sliding out the window and on the roof. I wiped away some of my tears but I still cried. I made myself stand and opened the door. She came in and hugged me. How long I've been wanting her to hug me again. "I'm so sorry Brenda! I know I haven't Been here for you in a long time. And I'm sorry. I've been so caught up with work an everything. Along with the baby-" I pulled away from her. "Baby?" I asked. She smiled an nodded. "I'm pregnant."

I smiled. "Oh my gosh really?!" I was happy. I wanted a little brother or sister. Just upset that the dad was jared. "Yes. We're expecting it to come soon. I was going to tell you for a while but was always afraid of how you'd act." I still smiled. Even though inside I was mad at her for JUST now telling me this. I thought she was gaining weight but never say anything. "Well I'm glad you told me now instead of waiting until is being born." I said. "Yea. Are you okay now Brenda bear?" She asked rubbing my cheek. No "I think." She s lied and took her hand away. "I promise I'll be here more. More for you. After the baby's born, I'm becoming a stay at home mom. And I'm really looking forward to meeting that boy. Why don't you tell me some things about him?" She said as she sat both of us on the bed.

Well or starters your husband is the alpha that turned him into a werewolf. No pressure. I smiled just thinking about Scott. And I knew he was listening. "He's.....great." I said. "Just great? Do you have....feelings for him?" No duh! "Yea. A lot. More than I'll ever even know myself." She smiled. "You really feel that way about him?" She asked. "Yea...." I looked down at me messing with my hands. "I'm happy for you. I hope he feels the same way." I nodded. "Me to." It was quiet for a minute and I though I heard Scott move from the roof. "Does he play any sports?" She asked. "Football. He's really good at it to. Like.....REALLY. He plays like its his life on the line." "So he's the football star?" She said. "Soon to be......" I frowned. "But....girls fawn all over him. And.... I'm afraid of losing him. To other girls." She sighed and stopped smiling. "If he really does have true feelings for you. He will only want you. I can promise that......it's how I felt with your father."

I spun my head to her. "My....father? You felt that way with him?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes. I did. I felt like all these popular girls were taking him away. But I was wrong. All he wanted was me. And that's all he got. But then years ago.....well you know what happened." She said standing. "I'd rear her not talk about it." I said. "Me either baby doll. Now good night. I love you." She kissed my forehead. "I love you to." He walked slowly out of my room, closing it shut. I felt tears drip down my face. From her mentioning my father. She felt things for him. And she didn't mention how she felt for jared. Soon I felt more come. At different noughts coming to mind. At if Scott didn't think of me the way I thought of him. About jared. About everything. And they all seemed to relate back to Scott.

I pulled my knees to my chest again and wrapped my arms around them. I heard my window open and Scott stumble in. It didn't take any time at all for him to caress me in a tight hug. A comforting hug. I cried into his chest. "Don't cry Brenda. Please. It makes me sad." He said. I s offed a few times and looked up at his gleaming blue eyes. His face was inches from mine. His hand softly landed on my cheek. And with his thumb, he wiped away the tears. And he pulled out a smile.

"Your moms right about me. I do have true feelings for you. I only want you. I don't notice other girls. All I see them as are pesky little nats that are annoying as fuck. And I'm afraid of losing you to other guys. The fawn you just as girls fawn me. All I see in my eyes.....is you. And that's all ill ever want." I smiled. "I guess that's what makes us such a great couple. Girls swarm you and guys swarm me. And we picked each other." I let go of my knees.

It only took two seconds before we kissed. His other hand moved to my other cheek. He stood up, pulling me with him. But I pushed him to a wall. Not dare laying go of his neck. I smiled through the kiss. He bit my lip. I just returned the favour later. His hands fell down my back and he squeezed my back and pulled me to him. Trying to get us more closer than we already were. His lips moved down to my neck. Making me groan quietly. I move my hand to his hair. Squeezing it as if I were about to rip It out. He hurt me squeezing my back but I was to busy kissing him to give a shit. He was obviously to busy to care that I was pulling out his hair. Nothing about this kiss was gentle. It not like It didn't bother me he played ruff sometimes. I actually enjoyed it. A lot.

Now I was against the wall. When he did a picture fell to the ground with a loud breaking noise. I was tempted to look but didn't. I pushed off the wall and I fell on him as he fell on his back to the floor. It was loud. I barely pulled back. I could fell his heart beat rapidly as we breathed hard under his shirt. And felt his breath. My hair fell from my sides and to his face. We laughed. "Man your good." He whispered. "That's all?" I asked sarcastically. "No. Not even close. I'd say the top five would be funny, smart, nice, awesome, and fucking sexy." I laughed at the last part. "For you. Your irresistible, funny, weird, tough, and way more than just sexy." I pressed my lips to his once again.

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