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I struggled to get to the shirtless, wounded Scott. He stayed on the floor on his hands and knees. Coughing. Bleeding. "Don't hurt him!" I yelled. Daniel kicked him. "Stop!" I yelled. "Sweetie. Don't make this any harder than it has to be." He said closing the door and walking to me.

I flinched and tried to pull away when he grabbed my chin with both hands and pulled me to face him. "Kiss me." He said pulling me to him. His teeth hurt my bottom lip. I yanked my head away.

He frowned and let my face go. Then walked over to Scott. Who was now leaning against the wall with one hand on his stomach. "Don't!" I yelled. He didn't stop walking towards him. "Fine! I'll kiss you!" That made both of them turn and look at me. "Don't. Brenda." Scott struggled to say. "I don't want you hurt." I said looking at him.

"Please don't Brenda. He could turn you." He said. Daniel was next to me now. It didn't take anytime before he grabbed my face again and kissed me. I had no choice but to kiss him back. I didn't want Scott hurt. And I didn't want to be hurt either. Not with that knife. I kissed him for a couple seconds before pulling away.

He smiled. I frowned. "Now leave him alone." I said. He stood straight. "I can't do that just yet my queen. You see, I get what I want before anything else. Right now, I want you. And I'm not letting him go to find help to rescue you. He's to weak right now to even walk. Get some sleep. Your meeting mariadn tomorrow." He said as he walked out the room and locked the door.

Scott stayed leaned against the wall. His shaggy brown hair went i front of his eyes. Blocking them from me. "Scott? Can you walk?" I asked kindly. He shook his head. "It hurts. My back and stomach. My stomach should be healed soon. Considering I can heal internal wounds. My back is what's killing me. They hit me with vampires knife. Which feels like fire burning into the cuts. But it's only for humans and wolves. For vampires it feels like a regular cut." That's what it was! "They cut me to." I said. His head shot up at me. "What?"

"Yea.....on my arm." I said. He stumbled slowly over to the chair and sat down beside me.then slowly untied me. My arms were weak since all the blood had washed from it. He grabbed my arm with both hands and examined the cut. It was worse than I thought. It was purple. Like the cuts on my wrists. "I'm sorry I wasn't here." He whispered kissing my arm. "Don't say that. Your here now." I said placing a hand on his shoulder. "That's not good enough." He said. His eyes came from my cut to my eyes. "Yes it is. We can find a way out now." I said. He seemed satisfied with that because he nodded and looked down again. Then started kissing my arm and shoulder softly.

"Hey.....where is everyone else?" I asked. He stopped kissing my shoulder and leaned his head on it instead. Then sighed. Last time I saw them was at the lake. Daniel took me when he took you." He said. I sighed. "We have to find them." I whispered. He looked up from my shoulder to my face. Inches away. "We will. Soon." He whispered before brushing a soft kiss upon my lips. It was quicker than the rest of ours. Only lasted about two or three seconds. But it still counted.

I smiled at him. "I love it when you do that." I whispered. He smiled back. Then pressed his forehead to mine. "Me to." He whispered.

Daniel walked in soon after that. Scott jumped away. But still stood by the bed. "You two obviously want pain." He said smiling. I can stand now. I shifted off the bed and stood straight. Me and Scott side by side stood strong. Even though it probably killed Scott inside. "You two think you can out number me?" He laughed. "Good luck. Kale! Jim! Here now." He said. Two tall men came to his side. Then flared their teeth. Fangs showed in the corners of their mouths. I jumped and Scott put a hand on my lower back to calm me. It worked.

Feeling him there made me feel safe. I knew he would try his best to save me. And I could count on him. But I can't always jut let him do the fighting. I had to fight. And now was my time. "Let us leave Daniel. We don't want any harm." I said. "Oh but Brenda.....we do. Actually we don't want harm as much as blood. And we love the new bloods. And humans. But your lucky the type of blood that runs through your veins is what we want to make royalty instead of drink. If we drink you, our queen would be upset. Very much. So don't make us get in trouble and go with it. Let us have Brenda here and you can go eat a deer for all I care." Daniel said. The two men started walking towards me. I slumped back towards the wall. They were close to me before Scott jumped in front of me.

"Don't touch her." He said pushing the back of his body to my front. "And what if we don't lover boy?" One spoke with wide red eyes and smiling as he did so. They seemed so evil. So......inhuman. "Then I'll kill you." Scott said. They way he said it scared me. I'd never seen him like that. I've seen him protective. But not like this.

Both of them laughed. Then one picked him up and threw him to the ground as the other grabbed me and threw me over his shoulders. I heard a growl from behind me. But I couldn't get around to see. Then the man holding me, fell to the ground. I fell fast first into the ground. I felt pain devour my cheek. Then we I put my hand there I felt slimy liquid. I knew it was blood. Everyone in the room stopped when I faced them.

They all stared at me and licked their lips. Except for Daniel and Scott. I knew they wanted a taste. But they would drink me all up. I was scared for life when one of the men lunged at me. I screamed and held up my hands. I thought I was about to die until I didn't feel anything. I lowered my hands and Scott had killed the guy. While the other was being elf down by Daniel. Scott ran to me.

"Come on. Get up." He said grabbing my arms and rising me to my feet. I leaned into him as my cheek throbbed in pain. His arm pulled me in closer. "Well well. We have a tough new blood here. Fair enough. Your lucky we both want to protect her. Or else I wouldn't have held down jim here." He said. I was scared as shit now. I clung to Scott tighter.

"Please Daniel. Please let us go. We don't deserve this." I begged. "Your right. You don't deserve to be treated like shit. Your human. But Scott on the other hand. Well. He's not him a now is he Brenda?" No. He's not. But he's more human than you. "Didn't think so. Now move doggie so I can get my new queen." He said. He threw jim out the door. He scrambled to his feet then ran away. Daniel ran to me using quick speed and took me away from Scott. He held me by the wait. Pulling my back up against his front. His other arm was around my neck.

I pulled at his arm but it was like trying to move a house. It stands its ground. "Stop Daniel. Your hurting her." Scott said. Daniels grip loosened on me. "Why do you guys always get the girl, huh? You are hairy and sweaty. You run around like a dog. And even smell like it. Where we smell like vanilla and never get sweaty. And are very handsome and sexy. What makes all the humans with the right blood all for werewolves, huh Scott? Why?" So THIS is what it's really about. Okay. I get it now. "Daniel. Calm down. I don't know what your allying about." Scott said holding out a hand to try and settle him. "No! I won't. It's our turn to have the blood." He shifted and his mouth went to my neck.

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