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After school, I drove home and Scott followed. Once we got there, my parents weren't home yet. It was only 3:00. We got out of the cars and I unlocked the door. He shut it behind him.

"So Is your parents here?" He asked. I shook me head. "Nope. Just me and you." I walked into the living room. "For how long?" He whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist, and resting his chin on my shoulder, making me smile. "Until five." I whispered. He started kissing my neck. I let him for a minute. Then I turned to face him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. His was still at my waist. I moved his lips from my neck, and to my lips. Man, every time we kissed I felt great. He was so ruff, but I liked it that way. I felt the shocks and butterfly's in my stomach. The tingles that circle my body. The electrical energy between us. Which right now, there wasn't really anything between us. I was right against him.

I bit his lip as I started pulling away. He just pushed my head back to him. Which we both smiled at that. I pinned him to a wall. His hands roamed my back. Mine went to his chest and neck. I let out a small giggle as he smiled. We breathed very hard and we pulled a little ways away. Just enough that our lisp were the only thing not touching.

"I can't stand not being around you." He whispered. "I can't stand it either." I whispered back. Then we just smiled and stared into each others eyes. Oh my gosh, how his were like the blue shy. They had to be the prettiest eyes I've ever seen. My were more like a green than blue. Some people said I had green, some said I had blue. I guess it was a mixture of both. "I love your eyes." I mumbled. He laughed a tiny bit. "I'm not the one with two colors. Which only makes it more beautiful." He rested a hand on my cheek. Sometimes, I wish he'd stop touching me and making me nervous, and other times, I wish he'd never stop.
"You stopped that kiss way to soon." I whispered while I pulled him back to me with my hands cupped around his face. He smiled through the kiss, that was going to last a while.

Once we finished making out, we went downstairs to eat something. I was at the sink, rinsing off our plates when I looked up from the window. I saw a figure. A human figure. Clay. I gasped and dropped the plates in the sink. "Scott!" I yelled. He was in there in seconds. He looked out the window. "What? There's nothing out there." I cited at the thought of what clay might do. "Yes there was. I saw it." I cried. He wrapped me in his arms. I cried in his chest. "Brenda?" He asked. I nodded. "What did you see?"

I looked up from his chest. "Clay." His grip got tighter on me. "But....he's dead." He said. Almost to himself. "I know. But I saw him there. Watching me. What if he's not dead Scott? What if he's alive?" I asked. He sighed and pulled my head back to his chest.

"If he is, then I'm not ever leaving your side." He said, digging his chin into my head. "I don't ever want you to leave even if he's not alive." I whispered. "Me either Brenda. Me either."

We stood there got a while before going into the living room and watching An episode of full house. Then my mom came home. I jumped off the couch and pulled Scott with me. "Come on. My moms been dying to meet you." I said as I pulled him off the couch. I drug him into the kitchen, where my mom was. "Mom." She turned around. "This is Scott, the boy I've been telling you about." I said with a smile. She smiled and walked over to a grinning Scott. "Glad to meet you mrs.harris." He said. "It's mrs.conner. But that's okay, you can call me Tiffany. Or Tina. And I'm glad I'm finally getting to meet the famous Scott." She said. He laughed a little but I don't think My mom heard.

We sat at the kitchen table as mom cooked. They were in the same room. Scott was telling mom about football and his old school. "So did you play football at your old school?" She asked. "Yea, I was runner back. But now I'm quarterback an runner back." Scott answered. I liked listening to the story, but I hated not every really being a part of the conversation.

"Yea. Brenda played soccer for a while. She was the bet on the team." He looked shocked. His head spun to me. "I didn't know you ever played any sports." He said. "Yea. I did." He smiled. "Why'd you quit?" I didn't smile at all. The real reason was my dad. "I-I don't know." I stuttered. My mom gave me a look. Then counties cooking. "I can tell when your lying." He whispered. I shook my head. "I'd rather not talk about it now." I said. He s lied and nodded.

Jared got home right as we put the foot on the table. We were having burgers and fries. "I'm starving. Lets eat." He said sitting down. I sat beside Scott. My dad sat at the end of the table, which was also to Scott's right. My mom sat in front of us. We started eating.

"So Scott, I hear you play football." He asked. "Yes sir." He replied. "So.... Does that get you mad sometimes? You know, to make you wanna Change into a totally different person?" He grinned an evil grin. He was trying to make Scott shift. "Um....no sir. I usually keep in my anger." Scott hesitated. "Really? Hmm. I'd think you being who you are, you'd....shift by now. Or hurt someone." He said. Scott looked down at his food. "I haven't sir." He said sadly.

"Shift?" My mom asked. Wait? She didn't know about the werewolf's thing? What? "Yes honey. And I wouldn't mention that in front of Brenda." He leaned to her ear. "She doesn't know he's the next alpha." He whispered trying to keep me from hearing it. She did know?! Scott's the next alpha?! They don't know I know?! What the fuck?! Nice parents Brenda.

Scott must have could told that I was upset. He placed a hand on my knee. I put my hand over his. And we both squeezed. "Do you want me to make you shift? In front of her?" He asked. I felt his body heat rise some. I squeezed his hand more. "You know she's never gonna like you." He said. "Stop." I said. My mom place a hand on his shoulder. "Honey your upsetting him." He didn't listen. "She never is want you and always won't. She wasn't Daniel." He spoke. "Jared stop. You know that's a lie." I said. Scott never let go of my leg. He squeezed it hard in anger though. It hurt. He was getting mad.

"She hates you Scott. Always have. Always will. She's using you." I stood now. My hand dropping I my sides as his fell off my leg. "Stop! Your just trying to get him pissed off." I was about to say 'and make him shift.' But then they'd know I knew. And right now, I didn't know if they should know or not. He looked up at me, still smirking. "Is it working?"

Scott jumped up and ran out the door. He was about to shift.

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