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I gave my stepdad a your-a-fucking-asshole face and ran after Scott. I didn't shut the door behind me. He stopped mid-way to his car. He gripped his fists at his sides. His back still to me. "Scott? Are you okay?" Is Asked. "Is it true?" He asked. He sounded as if he was crying, or was about to.

"No! Scott don't believe a damn thing he tells you. He doesn't know shit. He was just trying to make you shift. Please believe me." I begged him. He slowly turned around. His eyes were wet, but he didn't let himself cry. He bit his lip. He still clenched his fists. I ran up closer to him. Maybe to or three feet away.

"Scott.....say something." I said. He looked up from the ground and to me. His red were bloody red. Obviously mad. I shook my head and stepped to him. I placed my hands on his chin to make sure he wouldn't run away from me. "No. Don't do it. Scott. Don't." I said. He squeezed his eyes shut.

A little tear drop fell from his closed eyelid. I moved my had to his cheek and rubbed it with my thumb. "Hey. Why are you crying?" I asked. And why Haven't you shifted yet. Not that I'm complaining. He opened his eyes. "Your dads right. Why would you want a guy like me? That can hurt you so easily? That's.....a werewolf?" He whispered. I shook my head and pulled him to me. Then wrapped my arms around his neck. "I want a guy like you because your yourself. Your not a fake." After that he wrapped his arms around my back and waist. Then dug his chin into my shoulder. "I'm not letting you go." I whispered. "Ever."

"Brenda. I think it's time Scott went home. Jared has some things he needs to explain." My mom said. I pulled away from Scott and looked over my shoulder. "Okay mom." I said. She nodded then walked back in the house. I turned back to Scott. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said. He nodded. "Yea." I got on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. "Night." I smiled as I leaned back. He was already smiling. "Night."

Scott left and I re-entered my house. Mom and Jared sat on the couch. I sat down in a chair near them. "Okay Brenda. There are some things that we have to tell you. The reason Jared was being such a jerk was because I was seeing if he was.......the wolf. The alpha. The next alpha. I'm the current alpha at the moment-" I cut him off. "I know. And your working for maridn." I didn't know that scott was the next alpha however. Both of their mouths open. "How?" Jared asked. I crossed my arms. "I'm not stupid you know? I figure out things on my own. And when someone keeps a secret, I do everything I can to find out." I said. "Wow. I had no idea. I-I thought if you saw his wolf form then.....you wouldn't want to be near him."

"Well I still do. And nothing is going to change that. Wither you like it or not." I said. "Yes I'm sure. But that doesn't mean maridn won't stop to get you and her son together." He said. I rolled my eyes. "They can go kiss my ass if they want me with Daniel." I said turning to go upstairs my mom jumped up and grabbed my arm. Surprisingly stronger than I expected. "He picked you. Daniel. Or his mom picked for him. She knew that you would be a strong vampire. She wanted you. And she won't stop until she does...... Or something else."

"What? What else? What can I do that they won't want me anymore?" I asked. She sighed and pulled me beside her on the couch. "I'm going to tell you a long story. It all started after your father died." Man I wish she hadn't mentioned that. "Once he died, I was greeted by Jared. I fell in love with him. After we married he showed me his true nature. I was frightened at first. But I soon learned to get over it. When I did and I got used to being around him like that, the vampires came. They wanted me. For the queen. At this time it was Daniels father. I fought with them as a human for the longest time. Then we realized that the only way they would leave us alone is if.......I was a werewolf. So Jared bit me and I changed. It was a hard adjustment. But I soon got used to it.......now they want you."

I was speechless. My mouth gaped open. "A-are you saying.....that if I want them to back off......then I have to become a werewolf?" I asked. She closed her eyes and nodded. "Yes dear." I slowly put my face in my hands. I wanted to cry. I wanted Scott to hold me in my arms. Feel him as he kissed me passionately. And I wanted to do the same to him. When I kiss Scott I feel free. Like nothing can break us. That no one can hurt us. We were together. It wasn't until that moment that I real see realized something.

I loved Scott.....

"Brenda?" My mother said, snapping me out if my daydream. "I think you need to rest." She said. I slowly nodded and went upstairs.

No matter how much I told myself I didn't love Scott, it always came back to mind. I tried denying it, but it never left. I even tried writing 'I don't live you Scott.' On a paper. But I literally couldn't write it. I love him. And nothing right now was going to change that.

I took a brisk shower and got dressed in blue booty shorts and a spaghetti strap grey tank top. I got in bed and grabbed my phone.

Scott: I'm sorry.

Those two words. Why did he use them all the time? Why was he sorry?

Me: for?

Scott: I don't even know anymore. I guess for believing what he said for a spilt second.

Me: don't be. I'm not asking. I'm telling.

Scott: okay. Well what did your parents say?

Me: if you pick me up in the morning I'll tell you everything.

Scott: why wait? I'll be over in five minutes.

What?! Five minutes?! I jumped out of bed. I was wearing a really small tank top. It showed my breasts a lot. Like....very. I ran to my closet and slid on the first thing I saw. It was a really big t-shirt. I slid it on over my tank top. The long sleeves went down way past my hands. And the bottom went past the edge of my shorts. Just as I was satisfied at what I was wearing, Scott jumped trough the window.

He closed it after him and jumped on my bed. He was on his back and rested his right arm over his eyes and sighed. "Start talking beautiful." I smiled at the nickname he used. I walked over and sat down right beside him on the bed. I don't lay down though. I laid one leg in front of me as the other hovered an inch from the ground.

I told him everything. My moms whole story. Everything Except I loved him.

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