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"You heard me." He said. "Yea. I did. I don't get what I did to you that's so bad. I didn't do anything to you. What's your problem with me?" I asked. "You lead on my son. Then dress like that to impress other people." What?! Where the fuck did he get these ideas? "No. I dress like this because I want to. You have no idea how much I like your son. Neither does he." I said. "Yea right. And you also have that type of blood that attracts people like Daniel. Which only puts my son in danger." Wait? How did he know about....Daniel. But before I could ask, Scott did it for me. "How did you figure out about Daniel?" His dad looked frustrated now.

"I'm not an idiot son. When you told me your were a werewolf, we moved here and I wasn't going to know nothing about it so I looked up everything." I was shocked. Why didn't he say anything before. "Stay away from my family." He warned. I shook my head. "I can't do that. Your son and daughter won't let me. Trust me on that." I said. "She's right. I won't leave her alone." Scott said.

"Fine. But if you get hurt scothen, just remember that I won't be there." Then he walked off.

I turned to Scott. "He scares me." I whispered. He pulled me into a hug. I sighed as I laid my head on his wet chest. "It's okay. I'm here." He whispered, as he started petting me wet hair. I smiled. I didn't care he couldn't see. We pulled away after a minute.

"Come on. I'm hungry." He said putting an arm around my shoulder and pulling me to the kitchen. Ky sat there eating mac and cheese. She had a set on both sides of her with mac and cheese on the table in front of it. He turned to us and smiled. "I made y'all some food." She said. I smiled and took a seat beside her. Scott picked his up and put it beside me. I started eating."Thank you Ky. your so sweet." I said.

Once we finished eating his mom walked in the door with an umbrella. "I'm sorry I'm late guys. My boss wanted me to stay after and do some extra work and the storm wasn't any help." She said putting the umbrella up. I threw away the mac and cheese trash and walked over to her. "Oh hello Brenda. I'm glad to see you made it. Are you still spending the night?" He asked. "Yea. We just finalised eating. I'm glad to see you again." I said. She nodded and took off her rain coat. Then walked per to brin and picked her up with a kiss on the cheek. I smiled.

They seemed like a great family. Other than their dad. They all seemed happy. Like an actual..... family. I wish I had my real dad. I slid the thought away when I realised what time it was. 9:57. I needed a shower. "Um....do you mind if I take a shower?" I asked. "Sure. There's one upstairs on the left." Scott said. I nodded an started up the steps.

"Sweetie. I'll wash your cloths okay? Just wear Scott's cloths until then." I nodded and went into the bathroom. I stripped of my cloths and got in the water.

Once I finished I wrapped the towel around me and stepped into the hall way. "Here." Scott said. I jumped. "Thanks." I said taking a button up large shirt. No shorts. Probably because of how big It was. I went back in the bathroom and got dressed. It was really big. It went down to my chest and the other part went to my finger tips. I tried to ignore the fact I want wearing any shorts. I grabbed my wet cloths and walked out. I didn't even know where his room was. So is went to Ky's. "hey, where do I put this?" I asked. She got up from her bed and took my cloths. Then threw them in a basket near the washer and dryer. I can believe I didn't think of that.

"Come in." She said walking back into her room. I followed and shut the door behind me. I sat on her bed beside her. "I really like your room." I said. "Thanks. I really like it to." She said. I smiled. "Your really good at soccer." She said. "Thanks. You are to." "Your better." She said. "No you are." I said poking her. She laughed. "Whatever." It was quiet a minute.
"You wanna colour?" She asked. "Sure."

He grabbed two colouring books and we sat on the floor. I laid on my stomach and my feet crossed over each other in the air. We talked while we coloured. I felt childish coloring a fairy. "Scott talks about you a lot." She said out of nowhere. "Really? Abut what?" I asked looking up at her. "How beautiful you are. How nice and sweet you are. How much he likes you.........do you like him?" She asked. I was smiling really big. And I think blushing. "More than anyone will ever know." I said. She looked up and smiled. "Do you love him?" She asked. I nodded. "Can you keep a secret?" I asked. She nodded a couple times. "Yea. I promise." "Yea. I do." I said. She smiled bigger and looked down at her colouring book. I sat up from my stomach to my bottom.

"Sweetie? It's time to go to bed." Her mom said from the door. "Fine. Night Brin." She said hugging me. I hugged back. "Night Ky." I said. We stood and she went to her bed. I waved night to her and she did the same. "Finally." Scott said grabbing my wrist. "My rooms this way." He said pulling me to a door right across from the bathroom.

We walked in and I saw his bed in the middle of the room. its headboard pressed against the wall. He had a desk beside his closet which was under his tv across from his bed. He had a bunch of football trophies on a shelf above his dresser beside his bed. He had A LOT of them. I walked over to them and sat on the bed below it. i picked one up.

"I didn't know you played since you were ten." I said. He sat down on the opposite side of the bed. "Yep. I still love playing." He said. I sat it back down and continued looking around his room. I rose from the bed and walked over to his desk. It had a picture of his family. It looked like it had just been taken before they moved.

It had everyone in it. Their mom, dad, him, and Ky. Scott, with his parted brown hair and bright blue eyes. Ky, with her beautiful long curly brown hair. With the same beautiful blue eyes as Scott's. they looked so happy.

Scott snapped me out of my daze when he put his arms around my waist. I smiled. "You don't know when to stop do you?" I whispered. He moved his chin to my shoulder. "Because I don't know how much of you to get." He whispered back. I turned to him. Then wrapped my arms around his neck. Only pulling his face an inch away from mine. I smiled. "Well....how much do you want?" I whispered. He smiled. "How much can I get?" It didn't take any time for me to respond with a breath taking kiss. His fingernails dug into my skin slightly as they moved down to my butt, then the upper part of my leg. Both his hands picked up my legs. I helped by wrapping my legs around his waist. His hands held me up by my butt. Which by now was barely covered by the large shirt. Mine were tangled in his wet hair. He started to fall but fell against the wall. I laughed and He smiled while we didn't stop kissing.we both knew what was going to happen. And yet we couldn't bring ourselves to stop. It's like eating a Twinkie. Once you get one taste of it, you never want to stop. That's how this was. I had a taste of his lips and I couldn't
Stop kissing him. I could tell it was the same for him.

He soon pushed himself off the wall. Still keeping a stern hold onto me. But he let go once I was lying on the bed and he was on top of me. I still kept my legs around his waist. Which made my shirt fall to my waist. Showing my underwear. It's not like either of us cared. He took my hands in his and intertwined them above my head. He pulled away to where our lips weren't even an inch away. "Brenda." I could tell he was out of breath. "Yea Scott?" I answered. "I love you." He whispered. I smiled. "I-I love you to." I whispered back before bringing him back to the kissing.

He let my hands go. One of them propped him up so he wasn't laying with all his weight on me. While the other hand slid down to my neck. Then slowly to the neck of my shirt. Then that gave me an idea. I knew what he was doing. I moved my hands from his chest to the bottom of his shirt. Then took it off. He smiled as he went back into kissing me. He resumed putting his hand back at my shirt. The started unbuttoning it. I didn't stop him. Once he got it off he threw it to the floor. Which is exactly what I I'd with his shirt. It didn't take long before his pants were on the floor also. Then minutes later, so were the rest of our cloths.

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