🌙15| Drama

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   Bashing the door open, he marched to the hall by the window and laid me carefully on the sofa. After examining my forehead with his palm. My head moved back and forth when I started feeling excruciating pain at the back of my head. Burning up with fever, I felt severe pains all over my body.

  After a moment of contemplating, he walked to the back of the room and returned with a sharp knife. Closing his eyes, he slit a little part of his palm and allowed his blood to drop on the cut on my arm. As the drops of blood splashed on my wound, it started to disappeared abruptly leaving no scar. He quickly grabbed a seat and ripped of a packaged box. Fetching enough powder with the tip of his fingers, he smeared it over his cut and closed his eyes again.

 I shook my head on the pillow as hallucinations on vampires attacking me took over my mind. Sweat began to draw over my forehead while murmuring unconsciously. After rolling his sleeves to hide the cut, he moved back for a bowl of water, rubbing it over my forehead.  He placed his hand on my forehead and held my hand tightly, "I'm here, everything will be alright."

He left and came back holding a blanket. Lowering his eyes in melancholy, he covered me with it before he sat by me to monitor any progress.

 He got up suddenly when my head started ti move haphazardly more than before. He rushed to the drawer and unleashed the herbs from it. After boiling it over the fire, he poured it in a bowl and sat by Mr again. Lowering a spoonful of the herbal remedy over my lips, he managed to feed it to me after several times.

He dropped the bowl quickly when I began to murmur in my sleep again. "Max," I repeated in a low tone while shaking my head. He caressed my face softly and used a cotton to stop the bleeding over my head. After dressing the wound at the back of my head, he bandaged my head. After waiting for a few minutes, my fever had died down.

Waiting for me, he ended up sleeping with his head on the edge of the sofa.  The sun rays shone through the window as night approached. The bright setting Sun blinded my eyes and made it flutter.

  Covering my eyes with my arm, I opened them after a minute and glared around confused. How did I end up in Max's cottage? When I spotted him sleeping by me, I felt a sudden sharp pain at the back of my head.

I opened my eyes gradually to see Max with his head lying beside me. As I moved my legs to feel a bit more comfortable from sleeping in the same position, his sleep got disrupted with my movements.

Rubbing his eyes, he grabbed my hand and sighed. "You're awake. How are you feeling now?" Max added and checked my temperature. I raised both my legs and squeezed my eyes to screen around.

"He won't find you here. Don't worry," Max concluded. Saying this, the pain at the back of my head began to hurt more. As my hands moved up to ease the pain, he walked out and returned with a glass of water. I remembered everything clearly now.

When I saw a glass of water reached out to me, I turned to him with a tear gliding down my cheeks. I released my grip on my forehead and looked at him sadly. "What happened after? Did he hurt you?" I winced checking his arms and face. He chuckled lightly and nodded.

"Why did you use that street anyway? You've already hurt your arm? How would you have defended yourself?" he yelled before getting up furiously. "He could've killed you if you didn't press the alert I gave you," he continued, interrupted by by statement.

"How did you know I got hurt on my arm before?" He went silent after my question and slowly sat beside me thinking. "It's because I worked in a hospital before. Don't try to change the topic."

Lowering my head, I couldn't answer him. My lips folded from anxiety and guilt as he held my hand. "I know...I know, okay?" I answered almost in tears. "You don't need to remind me of my misfortunes. I'm even being accused for murdering someone who died under his hands instead," I added breaking into tears.

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