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Sitting by him, the rain water poured over the streets. I raised my head unable to process the situation before me. When I covered his wound with my hand to reduce the bleeding, Ian started laughing. Standing behind me, he tapped my shoulder.

"This is the only way I can think of now. Sending him to the hospital won't make recover."

I quickly raised my head looking into his eyes tearing up. I couldn't hold myself from sobbing in front of my enemy this time. Even though I didn't want to talk to him before, watching him dying right in front of my eyes made me realize something.

That I was deeply in love with him and couldn't watch him just die right in front of my eyes. I was going to save him no matter what, even if I had to sacrifice my life to do so. As a cold shiver run down my spine, I heard the sirens of an ambulance and police patrols getting nearer.

"He'll only survive if you activate yourself as a witch. Your powers are way better than your mom's. But once it becomes effective, you have to constantly practice or else you'll die," he explained. I felt a sudden brush of wind over my eyes. Forcing to keep them open, he squatted and smiled.

Did he mean I'm a witch? My mom was a witch too? I rescinded in thoughts putting all the puzzles together. Turning to the bus incident, I realize why I was the only survivor. Moreover, answering that wrong question a year ago without even seeing the question wasn't a coincidence.

Plus today, I answered the world's difficult question. The blast in Max's cottage after finding out his nature was also a proof of that.I could also foretell incidents from dreams. That's the main reason he's after me.

"I guess you don't understand. Let me explain better. You need those items to keep practice. I also need you to bring them out of wherever you're hiding them. As long as he's in this state, you'll expose it."

With a playful smile, he turned to Adrian while he was still bleeding and almost losing consciousness. "D-don't," he mumbled. He spurred blood after trying to stop me from doing what he said. Tearing up, Ian sighed and tapped my shoulder again with a light smile.

"You have less than a day to do so. Don't take too much time." After taking his hands off me, he got up and walked away. As I watched him helplessly walk out on me, tears run down my cheeks. He struggled to lift his hand and run his fingers over my cheeks coughing. "Please. Don't," he repeated. I shook my head as people started gathering around.

Whispering and taking videos of the scene, I could feel the sparks of the lights on their cameras on my face. Covering my eyes with my arm, I looked around in desperation. The ambulance rushed over and stopped by us. Two nurses moved out of the ambulance dragging a stretcher.

"Adrian! Stay with me. Don't close your eyes. Adrian!" I cried clinging to him as his hand fell over the floor. Sobbing uncontrollably, the nurses surrounded him and picked him to lay him on the stretcher.

"Pulse rate deteriorating. Hurry!" one of the nurses exclaimed as they dragged him into the ambulance. I rushed over to them holding the stretcher as they pulled him away. "Adrian!" I quickly stepped into the ambulance with them. A nurse stopped me and turned to the crowd.

"Are you his relative? We'll need you to sign some documents." I shook my head and dashed to hold his hand crying. "He doesn't have any relative. I'll sign on his behalf." Sighing, the ambulance took off. A drip was placed on him along the way. Immediately the ambulance stopped at a nearby hospital, he was pulled into the ICU on the stretcher.

"Adrian! Please let me in." I cried trying to enter but the nurses stopped me at the entrance. "Please stay back first." Closing the door in front of me, I stepped back crying. But when I heard footsteps behind me, I found the police officer from before.

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