Chapter 41: A heartfelt Discussion

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Katherine Wright


In front of me was my backyard garden decorated in white and blue details and most importantly my brothers, my friends, Anna, Candice, Brandon, and another women. It was a surprise Birthday party. I was so pleasantly shocked. Only my dear ones were present all wearing white clothes except me. I quickly made my way towards them and hugged all of them one by one.

My small but insanely beautiful Birthday party was so much fun. I cut the 3 tier cake. And we played games and we danced. I never imagined birthdays could be so much fun. I made so many happy memories for life. A retro photobooth was also set up. I took pictures with everyone.

The women who I didn't knew turns out is....Alex's girlfriend. Her name is Alicia. And she's the sweetest person ever. They are like 2 totally opposite person but they compliment each other in ways only one can imagine. She's the head of marketing department of Wright industries. They met in a meeting 2 months ago and hit it off. Typical Alex. He couldn't even find love outside his buisness arena. Beauty with brains plus so compassionate and lovely and caring. We instantly hit it. I always feared one thing. What if any of my brothers girlfriend or wife hates me. Then would I lost my brother too. But meeting Alicia was an assurance. I squeal all the time about her and I being sisters. And then Anna is also so great. I'm glad to have such a family.

My Birthday went in the embrace of my loved once and couldn't ask God for more.

Yeah the ear piercing drama went on a bit. But after few tears and a punishment of washing dishes without using the dishwasher did the trick.

The next day I was called in Alex's home office and that conversation went something like this:

"Come take a seat Kat. Dont worry you aren't in trouble."

"Phew. Thank God. Why did you call?"

"I wanted to discuss a few things with you." He said shuffling around some papers.

"Here are some cafes, restaurants, bars and a few properties around London, Germany,  New York and France. And bonds of 15 billion pounds. Um... these are a few shares of apple, Tesla, Ferrari etc. And here are the ownership certificates of our clothing line 'Giselle' by mom and a chain of some other small businesses and a yatch and a private island near Maldives."

"Hold on. Why are you showing me all these...stuff?"

"Father divided his buisness among all 6 of us which I handle because of mutual agreement. But since now we are 7 not 6. So father wanted me to redistribute all these assets and give you your share of 20 percent. You will own all of this when you turn 18. But I just wanted you to know about your share. As your guardian I'm handling your buisness like I do for the others but I just wanted you to know."

"Dont you consider me family?" I asked in a shakey voice.

"What sort of question is that? You are my family."

"Then why are you using this buisness tone with me. This money and property... and all of this I I...uh i thought our relationship was beyond this."

"Ofcourse it is baby. I'm sorry if my tone came out harsh. I-"

"Its not about the tone. I I dont want all of this. I dont want any of these. Tell me Alex if father hadn't asked you would you not have taken care of me?"

"Baby what's with these type of questions. Ofcourse I would have. Why are you misunderstanding this whole thing? It's your fair share."

"First of all it's not fair. I'm getting 7 percent more than all of you. And second you should understand why I dont want it."

"You think so low of your brothers that they would mind getting you of all people the one they love more than themselves a greater share in money?"

"No. Never. I have spent 15 years of my life away from my family just because a women got greedy for money. I have faced death and depression because of her greed. I have seen people and families falling apart because of money. I dont want money to ruin what we have."

"And I promise you it won't. It's just your security in future. It was a wrong decision of me to talk about this with you right now."

"I dont want a future without any one of you. My answer would still be the same. Just please let's never discuss all of this ever again. And if this is really what dad wants you to oblige to then you can handle all of this just like you always have."

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought this up without considering your feelings."

"Its It's okay Alex. I know you care for me and you just feel very responsible for me."

That conversation was very heavy. I just wanted to live my life with my family in peace. Nothing else mattered. And I knew I would. Everything will work out smoothly.

Only if I knew what this year was gonna bring in.

Hello readers. A little shorter chapter than usual. Alex has a girlfriend. Also I didn't really know what to write in the party sequence. But I wanted to wrap up the Birthday track and move onto the next one. Major drama is gonna unfold in the coming chapters. Keep reading.
Lots of love

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