Chapter 33: Wrath of Alex

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Katherine Wright

I visibly gulped at the site of my brother. I swear if we were in an animated world the fire alarm would go off because of all the smoke coming out of his ears. His eyes held anger. The doctor removed the dressing at which I winced. Alex took a step forward to comfort me but halted in his path. Okay I'm dead.

"Mr. Wright." The doctor acknowledged Alex to which he nodded.

"Be brutally honest with me and tell me how bad is and how bad could it be and how much pain does she has to go through." He said and looked at me. I quickly looked down.
Before the doctor could start the rest of my brothers barged in. Except Hayden. He's the only one who can save me from some heat.

"What the hell! How did it happen?"

"Are you in pain?"

"She's gonna need injections."

"Enough" said alex and raised his hand as a signal. All of them went quite quickly.

"Well the wound is quite deep. There is some bruising around the open wound so we need to check for inner tissue damage. She is definitely gonna need stiches. You got very lucky. The bite missed your major artery by a centimeter. You could have bleed severely. I'll just clean it and then we can proceed with the shot." You had to make it worse doc.

"I can take over." A voice said. Anna was standing near the door. Along with Hayden. I'm not even surprised. They have such a good chemistry. It's meant to happen.

"Sure Dr. Hildegard." The other doctor said and Anna came next to me and started to clean the wound again.

"Now. I'm gonna ask this one time. ONE TIME. So be honest with me and tell me what happened? Why were you even there? Weren't you suppose to be with your friend at the library?" Alex said. Oh god. I completed forgot about that. Shit I'm screwed.

"That Matt boy. You were with him weren't you?" Silas questioned. I slowly nodded my head.

"I knew it. I knew it was fishy." He said through gritted teeth. He was taking this the wrong way. Before I could interject Nate spoke

"Shut it Silas. He is her friend."

"Friend my arse. We all know what happens behind the school building. Its Valen-fucking-tines day after all. And where the hell is your jacket? Why dont you have it on? And where is the loser? Did he run away when the thing bit you?" How could he say such vile things to me? Does he not trust me?
I was crying. Again like a loser.

"Let's just give her a chance to explain." Hayden said calmly. He nodded as a sign for me to speak.

"Well when the school ended I went to my locker. Only to find all the Valentine's day stuff. Flowers and gifts and all that. I didn't wanted you guys to be mad so I told that Matt neede help in history so we were staying back. Matt and I cleared up all the stuff and filled it in those big black bin bags. We had to dispose it so we picked the bags and went to the dumpster behind the building. Matt went to grab the remaining and I was just standing there when I heard a dog crying. I thought it needed help so I followed the voice and found that 3 guys from our school were hurting a dog in a plastic bag. A dog! So I went to help him. And then when I took her out of the bag she got scared and bit me trying to protect herself. That's how I got the bite. And then I pressed the button so that Sawyer could come and by that time Matt came too. The dog was injured so I wrapped her in my jacket and sent Matt to a vet to get her medical care. That's where my jacket is!"
There was a thick silence in the air.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?" Alex shouted making me flinch.

"First you lie to me. Even when you know how fucking much I hate it. And as if that wasn't enough you went after 3 guys all alone to save a dog who bit you and now you are here!  What do you think of yourself? Do you have any idea what could have happened to you? And see where you are now. In a fucking hospital! That's it. I'm not letting you set a foot outside the house anymore. You simply don't care about yourself. But I fucking do. You always do what you feel is right. Now I'll do the same. I'm done respecting your choices!" Oh god. This is exhausting. I cant even argue back after this. I'm gonna run out of water in my body because of all the crying. Alex was now pacing around and rubbing his forehead.

"Guys I know you are upset but this is not the time. She is in a lot of pain right now. Not to mention the further treatment. So be mad later right now just cool it off. Be here for her. Not against her." Anna trying to reason with them worked a little. Alex stopped and huffed out. He graduated a handkerchief from his pant pocket and walked towards me. He gently grabbed the back of my neck making me look at him. He then very gently wiped my tears. And caressed my cheeks with his thumbs. He then took me in a gentle embrace. I hugged him back with my left hand not wanting to disturb the other.

"Get her some water." Nate then gave Alex a water bottle. He opens the cap and made me drink the water. I felt a bit more relaxed now. Then a nurse approached our room with torture tools i.e. needles and all the other equipments.

"Okay Kat I'm gonna give you a local anesthetic around the injury to numb so you wont feel the stiches. This can hurt a little." I looked at Alex with wet eyes. As if he understood my worry, he sat next to me and took my other hand in his and gently pushed my head in his chest. I felt a sheet around my wound. She was preparing the area.

"Dont move your hand okay sweetie." Anna said in a gentle voice. I could feel Alex's hand tighten around mine and then the pain came. I felt the needle pierce and a scream left my mouth. I could see my brothers in pain at the sight of my pain. Alex was whispering calm words in my ear. I could feel the thread passing through my hand but I didn't feel any pain. The stiches were done.

"Now we can proceed with post exposure prophylaxis." She said.

"English please." Nate said.

"Um..PEP for rabies. As we dont know if the animal was vaccinated for rabies or not we have to vaccinate Kat. Have you been bitten by any animal before?"

"No." I said. My voice barely a whisper.

"Okay so she needs to get an injection today, on the third day, seventh day, fourteenth day and the final at twenty eighth day."


After a lot of explaining and a huge jar of nutella promised all to myself I agreed. It was still painful though. Now Anna was explaining my brothers about aftercare.

"Once the anesthesia wears off its gonna hurt. She won't ba able to move her hand for the next 10 days which means no writing or any other physical activity. Bandages need to be changed at least thrice everyday for one week. Make sure the wound is not exposed to water at all. Give her the antibiotics on time. The next month will be crucial. Keep check her for flu like symptoms and fever. I'll come home to administere the rest of the shots. It will be better after a few days. But till then be careful. It's on her wrist something we all move around a lot. Keep a track on the bruising too. And always keep it clean. I know you all will take good care of her."

Alex completed all the formalities. Being a trustee had its perks. Everything was sorted out. My meds were here. I was exhausted after today's events. I just wanted to go home and snuggle into my blanket and go to sleep.

I was now walking towards the exit with my brothers engulfed in Leo's sweatshirt. Alex had his hand around my shoulder. He was still mad but decided to talk about it later. I wanted to call Matt and ask about the puppy's condition. So I fished it out of my skirt pocket.

I was looking at my phone when a huge flash of light blinded my sight. I looked up rubbing my eyes.

What the hell? The Paparazzi!

Hello readers. Sorry to keep you waiting.
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Lots of love

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