Chapter 23: Life on the line

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Katherine Wright

I was never good at making sounds. I couldn't howl or make loud noices or anything. I just cant. I was used to being yelled at but I was never used to yelling. Why you ask? Because all my life I was alone. I had no one to talk or scream. I kind of regret it now.

As soon as that scream left my throat I saw the man launching himself towards me. He was wearing a mask. The one you see the bank robbers wearing on TV.

I somehow managed to save myself from his jump and ran to the door of my bathroom. I was about to touch the handle when a sharp pain went through my skull. He had my hair in his fist and was using it to pull me towards him. He was strong I could say that from his grip. He turned me towards him so that I was facing him. He used his other hand to muffle my sound. I tried to bite his hand but his thick leather gloves didn't help me. His eyes held a cold murderous glare. He was looking me in the eye. The way a predator looks at his prey. The only prayer going through my mind was that I had screamed loud enough. For any of my brothers to hear. My hands were trying to claw at his hands to try and loosen his hand on either my hair or my mouth. He was completely cutting off my oxygen supply. I had to do something.

I tried to kick his legs. And I stomped on his feet. I wanted to kick him in the nuts but our awkward position wont let me. My action angered him.

"Whore!" He said through gritted teeth and then swung me with his hand in my hair strongly such that my head collided with the wall. I felt warm liquid slowly trickling down. The bleeding wasn't extensive as I saw in the mirror. He dragged me outside the bathroom and then suddenly the door burst open. In came my brothers. My saviours.

Suddenly I felt something cold on my neck. And I sucked in a huge breathe. I realized what it was. A knife. A fresh set of tears made it's way. Was this my end? I was finally happy and now I was just a slit away from heaven or hell.

Alex was the first to see the knife. He was standing in the middle while all my brothers followed. He spread his arms as an indication for them to stop. I couldn't help but notice the guns in Alex's and Hayden's hand. While leo had a knife, the twins had some heavy looking rods. I tried to look at the knife but my chin wouldn't allow me. I was still feeling the tip but it still hadn't pierced my skin. In a very shaky voice I called out my eldest brother.

"Alex..." I saw his eyes soften.

"Shut up bitch!" The man said pulling my shoulder harder and pressing the knife more.

"You step back. Move. Move or else I will drain every ounce of your little sister's blood. MOVE" He shouted making me jump.

"Okay okay. We will do what you want. But first let her go. I give you my word. Money. Files. Anything. Just give her to me."

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Alexander Wright. YOU THINK I'M A FOOL! Do you think I'll give up your weakness for money when I can have it all. She's worth more than just the money. Maybe I can sell her to your nemesis. He'll know what to do with her. What do you say?"

"Listen I'll give you triple then what he is giving you. Even more. Just dont hurt her. Name your price."

"Nah. I think I will keep this little whore." I was hyperventilating. I didn't knew what was gonna happen in the next second. I trusted Alex but he wasted the one in the control of the knife to my throat. On mentioning me as a whore Leo took a step forward.

"BACK OFF!" He screamed and pressed the knife real hard. This time it pierced my skin. I could feel the pain. I could feel the blood. I was giving out small muffled cries.

"Hey. Stop. Talk to me okay. Dont hurt her. You know you cant walk out of this. I'm willing to make a deal. I'll let you go. I'll give you money and you can flee country. Just hand her over."

"You think I'll fall for that. She is my ticket to freedom from here. You wouldn't let me walk alive from this."


"How about I offer you a deal? Hmm. You let me walk out of here with her and she lives."

"No way in hell." Leo said with gritted teeth.

He pressed the knife more. More blood trickled down my throat soaking my sky blue T shirt. My brothers shouted at him.

"If I'm going down then I'll take her with me." After listening that I lost my senses.

I started zoning out. I couldn't listen to what they were saying. Until slowly my captor started moving towards the door. My brothers moved in the opposite direction. He walked backwards dragging me with him. We reached the stairs. He slowly started taking one step at a time. I thought of pushing him down to save myself but the knife would go in deeper. I felt very helpless. I could see my brothers trying to reason with him but he wasn't having it. We were now downstairs. We were nearly 10 meters away from the main door. And then something happened. It all happened so fast.

I felt a jerk in forward direction. His arm was still around my neck. I saw another hand which caught the knife pushing it away from my throat. I felt someone pushing my shoulder towards where my brothers were. I realized that I was free. Without even wasting a second I jumped into Alex's arms. He immediately caught me. I started crying even more trying to come out of the shock. Alex was trying to soothe me. He ran his hand repeatedly in my hair strands. He tried to tell me that it was ok and that I was safe now. But then I heard a gunshot and a groan. I whimpered loudly and Alex tightened his arms around me pressing me more into his chest. I tried to look but he pressed my head on his shoulder.

"Dont look. Dont look. Shhh baby it's okay. You are safe. Dont look okay. Shh." I calmed down a little. Alex slowly took me towards the living room still pressing me against him. But I wasn't complaining.

I didn't wanted to let go of that comfort.

Alexander Wright

She just went to her room to freshen up. I was  sad for her but I couldn't show it. That would sadden her even more. We all were discussing about how Kat missed out so much in life and that it was now our responsibility to fulfill those gaps.

We were still talking when I heard a scream. Her scream. My ears perked like that of a security dog. I knew something was terribly wrong. I grabbed my gun and ran towards her room along with the others following. What I saw made the ground beneath me disappear.

I saw Kat in the grasp of a man. His face covered. He was gonna hurt my sister. I felt the anger rip through my chest. But then I realized that her life depended on him right now. I had to calm down. I had to reason with him.

The situation was going out of control. I tried to make a deal with him. But nothing worked. He had my sister and he was gonna hurt her and I wasn't able to do anything. All I could do was follow what he wanted and buy my sister a few more minutes. I knew men like him. The reason I did what he wanted was because I knew he wouldn't hesitate to kill her. I was feeling helpless like a puppet. I was enraged but I had to control it.

We reached downstairs and then I saw a ray of hope.

I saw him cautiously moving towards them. When he was close to him he grabbed the back of his neck and pressed a point which immobilized him. He grabbed his arm which had a knife to my sister and pushed my sister towards me. She ran into my arms. I wave of relief shot through me. She was with me. She was safe. But she was terrified I tried my best to calm her down.

My brothers surrounded the captor waiting for my signal to gutt him out. But I shaked my head. I had something much worse planned for him. With an indication I told Hades to shoot him in the leg ro make him feel the pain. Kat whimpers on the loud sound and tried to turn around to see what happened but I didn't let her.

If it wasn't for him, the situation could have gone much worse than it was.

'Thank you Sawyer.' I thought to myself.

Hello readers. New entry.
Who do you think Sawyer is?
I just covered one scene in this chapter. I wanted to make it realistic and focus on every detail. I wanted it to give chills.
Hope you enjoyed the thrill. It was my first attempt to write something like this
Let me know how was it.
Lots of love

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