Chapter 8: Rain

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Alexander Wright


"What do you mean by that? Where else can she be? Listen if this some sick jo-"

"Does it look like I'm joking?"

"Silas  Sebastian look in the house. Leo check the garden. Hayden check the security footage outside. Nate the garage. I'll ask the security."

Everyone got to work without thinking for a second. I called the security at the main gate. They informed me that she hasn't left the estate. Thank God. Means she is somewhere around. Silas Sebastian bursted through my office doors.

"She's not inside. "

"Neither in the garage." Nate added.

"She used the backdoor to leave the house. I cant see outside. Its raining very heavy. She must be in the garden."

"What? Its raining cats and dogs outside. Does she wanna catch pneumonia and DIE!"
Silas almost screamed.

"Ask her yourself." Sebastian added.

"Guys let's go." I said and we all headed towards the back garden.

We were just through the door when the sight in front of us horrified us all.

A fully drenched Leo was walking towards us with an unconscious, fully drenched Katherine in his arms. Her skin looked alarmingly pale, her arms and legs totally limp. Without even thinking for a second Leo walked right in.

"She's hypothermic. Her pu...pulse is very weak. She needs a...a doc..she needs a doctor." Leo said placing her on the couch panting heavily.

Calm down Alexander. You can handle this. She's gonna be fine. She has to be fine. I wont lose her again. Never. I composed myself once again.

"Okay..Leo take her to her room. Sebastian get elsa to change her clothes. Hayden call the doctor. Silas get the most warm blanket. Nate worm up some water and grab a washcloth and a heating pad. We need to try to get her temp up before the doctor arrives. I dont know how long is it gonna take."

Everybody were on their tasks. I was waiting for Anna. Dr.Anna Hildegard was our family doctor. She is in her mid twenties. She didn't have much experience but she saved Hayden's life. Not to mention total unofficially. She was very capable and talented. I wouldn't entrust my sister's life on her if she showed even one error. She got involved with us in not the best circumstances but that's a story for another time.

"Alex. She's out 40 minutes."

"40 minutes!?"

"But she explained it to me. I know what to do before she gets here. Let's not waste any more time."

We went in Katherine's room. And there she was my little sister looking cold and pale.

Now Hayden took charge.

"Okay Nate wrap her up with the blanket tightly and turn on the mattress heater. Leo grab a hair dryer. Turn it to warm air and start drying her hair. Silas get me a chair and put it near her. I'll start warming her up with the wash cloth and warm water. Sebastian go to the door. Anna's coming. Bring her up here as soon as she arrives. Alexander switch off the air conditioning and start rubbing her feet. Hurry up everyone."

We all got to work. I started rubbing her feet which were very cold.

"Leo go and get changed."

"I'm not leaving her alone."

"I can't take care of 2 sick people right now so please do me a favor and get changed."

He huffed out in anger and left.

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