Chapter 53: Back to Normal

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Katherine Wright

"No. Silas! Give it back!" I said running around the breakfast table.

"No you're not going." He said and started running again.

"Yes I am. Now give it back. God I hate you."

"I hate you too. Sweet cheeks."

"What's going on kids?" Dad said while entering the hall.

"Dad Silas won't return my backpack. I'll br late for school!"

"Silas. Give it back."

"Dad you should be supporting me. She isn't well. She should take rest."

"Are you serious? I've been doing that for a month now." I said irritated at the word rest.

My family went crazy once we returned. They won't even let me down the stairs. I had a team of 18 doctors breathing down my throat. It was awful.

"I swear to God I'll wax your legs again if you ever ask me to rest again!"

"Then I'll cut your hair in your sleep."

"Ugghhhh. Dad!" I whined.

"Okay Silas stop it. Dont irritate her. We don't want the repeat telecasts of what happened when we didn't let her go to the garden." Not a pleasant episode ladies and gentlemen. Trust me.

"Besides don't you have college to go to and take Val on another date!"

"That was supposed to be a secret!"

"Well it was until you irritated me to the brim."

"Angel isn't she your bestfriend?"

"Yeah she is. And if Silas hurts her I'm gonna be livid. So please knock some sense into him dad." I said eyeing Silas.

"You heard her young man." He just rolled his eyes.

"Come on hunbun. I'll drop you." Nate said shouting.

"Bye dad. Love you." I said hugging him.

"Bye angel. Have a great day at school."

I was trying to normalize my routine just have Brandon suggested. I had to take his help to deal with everything. And he cried in our sessions too. He said how unprofessional of him it was but he couldn't control it. But I just wanted to shove down those memories and move on.

"Kat!!" Val and Ness shouted. They visited me a week ago.

"Heya!" I said with excitement.

"God we missed you so much at school."

"Yeah I missed it too. Where's Matt?" Matt didn't visit me once. It was obvious for me to get upset about it. And then the girls told me how he had started dating Kimberly, the girl who secretly hated me. Matt had distanced himself from all of us. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind but I decided against it. Maybe he really likes Kimberly.

Is This Family?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora