Chapter 16

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Dorothy's POV

After my talk with Nicole and Ethan constant asking, I finally agreed to go on a date with Ethan. I feel excited like everything in my whole life is just falling into place. I just hope nothing screw this up.

I look at my self in the mirror and smile. I actually look good. Not just presentable, good I mean I look hot.

I heard the doorbell go off meaning Ethan is here. I quickly put one my heels and race to open the door.

"Hey." I smile opening the door letting him.

"For you." He hands me a bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you." I take the flowers. "Hey Luca." I greet as Luca steps in after Ethan with another man.

"Nice to see you again Dora." He smiles then points at the man beside him. "This is Ty."

"Nice to meet you ma'am." He gives me a firm handshake.

"The pleasure is all mine." I beam up at him. "I'm going to put this in a vase and get the little monkey out."

I don't know how Ethan feel about this. He is basically handing his son to his PA. Don't get me wrong Luca  is a nice guy and Ty seems okay. Will I have lunch with them? Yes. Will I let them babysit my son? Not so sure.

I enter Liam's room to see him drawing some thing on a piece of paper. I lean on the frame of the door and smile. He been happy within these few days he has spent with his dad. If he's happy then I'm happy.

"Your are meant to be doing your homework young man." I say walking into the room.

"I know but I decided to take a break." He whines as I pick up the papers from the floor. "What is this?" I try to make out what he drew. I looks like a man is screaming at other people at the same time drinking.

"That is dad yelling at us for being to noisy." He said smiling. "It was awesome!"

"Why is he holding this bottle?" I asked pointing at the green bottle.

"He was drinking something." Liam shrugged. "I love it when daddy is angry. He goes boom boom boom."

"Well daddy is here right now." I say rubbing his hair.

"Really?" He asked excited pulling out of my grip.

"Yeah, but no drawing until you finish your homework." I warned pecking his nose.

"Okay." He says running out of his room to meet Ethan.

I sit down on his bed  and look at his drawing carefully. One has Ethan shouting at somebody while Liam screams in the background. Another Two men fighting and one eating something round. And the last one was the first one I saw.

I can't believe Ethan thought I'll never find out how horrible the babysitting went. I knew it was as badly as I predicted when I went to pick him up. I could see that he didn't follow my list and I just wish Liam was more loud and persistent on what ever he wanted

I dropped the drawings and walked out. 

I see Luca and Ty play Lego pieces with Liam. I smile knowing that he's comfortable.

"You ready to go?" Ethan asked standing behind me.

"Yeah I just want to give Luca my list." I say picking my list of the counter. I head up to Luca and hand it to him. "This time save yourself the stress and follow the list."

"Yeah." He smiled nervously rubbing the back of his head with his hand.

I smile and go back to Ethan. "How did you find out?" He asked opening up the door for me.

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