Chapter 24

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"Thanks for meeting up with me." Nikolas smiled as I sat opposite him.

"I'm glad I came." I smiled at him. 

The waitress smiled as she took our order.

"So tell me what are really doing here?" He asked taking a sip from his drink.

"What do you mean?" I asked raising a brow.

"You only come down here once a year and as far as I know you have visited this year." He explained. "The only other reason you'll be here twice is if Jim is sick and so far I think is doing pretty great."

I sat back looking at him surprised. I mean I really shouldn't be surprised that he knows all these things. He hangs out with dad and Jacob. I'm just surprised he realized that I'm not here for a visit.

"I just wanted to visit my father. Anything wrong with that?" I look up to him.

"You know you can't lie to me." He let out a small chuckle. "But I'm not going to pressure you. You don't have to tell me."

I smile at the memory of the first time I lied to him. He figured I was lying before I could even finish talking. He actually never told me how he knows I'm lying which made it difficult for me to lie to him.

"What happened?" I whispered looking down to the table.

"What do you mean what happened?" He asked you could tell he was confused.

"To us. What happened to us?" I looked back up at him.

"I don't know." He whispered looking at the waitress as she brought our the meal we ordered. 

Great now I created and awkward tension. I really don't feel comfortable at all. I watch him as he ate his food peacefully. I really don't know how he's comfortable. I slowly start eating the salad I ordered. I'm not really hungry. I had to make sure Liam ate all his veggies and I ended up eating as well. I'm so glad that Nikolas didn't take it offensive like Ethan would.

"I'm getting married." Nikolas blurted out.

"What!" I exclaimed almost chocking on my food.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking so concern as he passed me a cup of water.

"Yeah. Thank you." I take the water from him. "You said something about getting married.

"Yeah, I'm getting married." He smiled at his own announcement.

I can't believe he is getting married. I mean I'm not jealous if anything I'm happy for him. I hope he finds happiness in his marriage.

"So who's the unlucky girl." I joke taking another bite.

"You would probably not know her." He said biting into his burger. "She's from New York but again it's possible you bumped into each other. I don't know."

"She makes you really happy doesn't she?" I asked smiling at him.

"Yeah, she does." He lets out a little chuckle. "What about you."

"What about me?" I asked playing with my salad.

"Are you seeing anybody?" He asked taking another bite. Looks like someone really missed Joe's burgers.

"Not currently." I say dropping my fork.  I really don't know if I should tell him about Ethan but at the same time I need to get this off my chest. "I almost got married."

"What do you mean?" He asked sounding a lot concern.

"He ran away on our wedding day." I explain. "A few days later I found out I was pregnant. It was not easy going through that emotional trauma being pregnant but I managed. A few months ago he showed up out nowhere. And then I realized I don't much about him. I only knew what I wanted to know. Then I gave him a chance. A chance to be a father and a chance to fix our relationship. Then it happened. I finally learnt the secret he had been hiding. The secret he intend to keep form me if we got married."

"That's why you're here." Nikolas whispered.

"I had to get away. I did not know what to do." I looked down at my salad.

"He sounds like a total ass." He let of a soft chuckle

"Wanna to know the funny part?" I asked and he nodded. "If I didn't ask he won't have told me. I don't know if I should forgive him."

"You have a son right?" He asked and I nodded. "If you lover never showed up would you have told him about his father even if he didn't asked?"

"I honestly don't know." I say thinking deeply. "I guess I'll tell him if he does."

"That's the same thing lover boy did." He said making me raise a brow. "You had to ask before he could to tell you and I'm pretty sure it wasn't easy to tell."

He was right. I would have done the same to Liam if Ethan didn't walk into our lives. Now I feel like a hypocrite.

"Don't stress over it." Nikolas said holding me hand. "You can still make things right."

"I should call him right?" I asked looking up at him.

"That's up to you. All you need to know that you have and opportunity to fix your relationship." He let go of my hand.

"Thanks." I said as a few tears fell  out of my eyes. I don't know why I'm so emotional.

"I just wanted to invite you to my wedding." He said handing me a tissue. "You can bring your son. I would really want to meet him."

"Thank you." I smile at him. "I'm sure he would be excited to meet you to."

I wonder if he also invited dad and Jacob. I think they are good friends.

"To answer your question, I invited Jim and Jacob." He laughed.

"Guess I said that out loud." I join him laughing.

It was like old times when we would come over here to Joe's and laugh over stupid things. I'm happy to have Nikolas as my ex boyfriend. We are not together but the time we spent together was totally worth it .

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