Chapter 23

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Dorothy's POV

"Mommy, can I go play in the park today?" Liam asked finalizing what ever he was drawing.

"I'm sorry honey." I sigh dropping the knife on the chopping board. "Maybe another time."

"But that's what you said last time." He whined tossing his pencil to the floor. "It's not fair."

"Don't throw a tantrum young man." I point at him giving him a stern look. I don't know where's he's getting this attitude from and I don't like it.

"Dad would allow me if he was here." He climb down the seat to stump his feet. I take in a deep breath trying not to react to what he just said.

"Well dad's not here and my answer remains the same." I pick up the knife and keep chopping the vegetables.

"I wish dad was here!" He shouted throwing his drawing book on the floor. "I want my daddy!"

"Stop it." I hiss looking down at him. I tossed the knife and walk up to him. "Stop this attitude young man."

"But I want to go to the park." He said as a small tear rolled down his eyes. "I'm tired  of staying here. Grandpa and you go out all the time. It's not fair."

I crouch down and pull him into a hug. "I know baby but I'm just trying to keep you safe I don't want you to be taken away from me."

"I don't understand." He pulled back giving me a confused look. 

"How about we go to the park tomorrow." I give him a small smile. "Tonight your uncle and aunt are coming over."

"Uncle Jacob and aunt Shelly?" He asked excitedly. 

"Yes." I smile kissing his head. I hate it when we fight. It makes me feel like I'm the villain because sometimes he's right and I don't want to admit I'm wrong.

"I can show them my pictures of daddy and I" He runs to pick up his drawing book from the floor. "And maybe they can meet daddy too."

"Maybe." I say standing up straight.

 I don't want to make any promises because they way it's going Liam might never see Ethan again. I'm doing this for his own safety. I don't want anything in Ethan's life to affect the way Liam grows up. I may seem harsh but it's the honest truth. I can't risk the safety of my sons life to be with a man I love. Liam comes first and If it means staying away from that lying prick then I would.

"Why don't you go meet grandpa while I make dinner." I suggested going back to chopping the veggies.


"I'm so glad you finally came here." Shelly said giving me a bear hug. "I've missed you so much."

"Hey don't manhandle my sister." I hear Jacob shout from the front door.

"Jacob!" I shouted pulling out of Shelly's grasp to hug my brother.

"Hey Dottie." He smiled kissing my forehead. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great." I smile up at him. "I missed you."

"I missed you too Dottie." He smiled as he let me go. "Where's the little man?"

"Yeah where's Liam." Shelly pushed me to the side and entered the living the room where he was with his grand father watching tv.

"Guess who's here?" She sings as she spreads her arms apart.

"Aunty Shelly!" Liam exclaimed running into her opened arms.

"Oh you are getting bigger everyday." Shelly groans as she tries to pick him up.

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