Chapter 2

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I drove to the Dental clinic which wasn't so far from the house.

 That's one thing I love about my job, it closes the house. If an emergency pops up, I can quickly rush home. Especially now Mia's babysitting Liam.

Don't get me wrong, Mia's great when it comes to babysitting. I'm lucky to have her over but these days she tends to do things stupid.

 I pull over at my parking space and pull out my key from my ignition. I look at myself at the compact mirror I always keep in my car Once I feel ready I grab my bag and head out of the car.

"Dora!" Wendy exclaimed the moment  I stepped causing everyone to look in my direction and me to jump in fear.

" Don't do that." I glare at her resting my hand on the desk trying to catch my breath.

She's been the receptionist at the clinic for three years. She wasn't always this way there was once a time she was very quiet and timid. It took us weeks to finally break her shell. Some people won't believe she was ever quiet.

"Well, I've been waiting for you." She shrugged sitting back down looking at her system.

"I got delayed." I sighed rubbing my forehead.

"Did Mia come late again?" She asked looking up at me from her system.

"Five minutes and Grace came over too." I tapped the desked gently.

"Uh-huh," She hummed looking back to her system. I wonder what she's doing that got her so hooked up.

"Is she here yet?" I asked scanning the room for a particular face.

"She'll be here soon." She waved her hands dismissively at the clocked eyes glued to her laptop.

"Is it just me or are you excited about today." I smile looking toward the door.

"OMG. I thought I was the only one excited about today! I can't wait for her to show up." She squealed with sarcasm dripping off everyone.

"I appreciate your use of sarcasm." I bluntly say and she looks back at her system. "That's it, what the hell are you doing?"

"Dating sites." She answers tuning the screen to me. "I've been looking for the perfect match for you."

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing this?" I asked sighing looking at the blue-eyed man staring back at me from the screen.

"Till I find the perfect guy for you." She smirked pointing at the guy on the screen. "I mean look at him. He's an accountant, has an apartment not so far from yours and he doesn't even mind the fact that you stick your fingers into people's mouth."

"Can we not do this here?" I turn the screen back to face her "Did you bring it?"

"Yup." She bent down to bring out a huge plastic container full of popcorn kernels

 "God, why is it so heavy." I groan taking the container from her

"You said go big and that I did" Wendy smirked watching me struggle to balance the container and my bag.

"Would you help me please?" I snap at her glaring at her.

"I don't know." She puts on a considering face tapping her jaw.

"Please, would you please help me?" I say more calmly.

"Okay fine." She stands up walking over to me taking my purse from me. "I'm tired of seeing struggle."

"Thanks," I say adjusting the container as we both head to my office.

"You owe me." She mumbled opening my door for me.

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