Chapter 21

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Dorothy's POV

"What else do you need dad?" I asked getting a bit annoyed.

"Some Mayo." He checked the fridge and turned back to me. "We're out again."

"Is that all?" I added mayonnaise to my long list.

"I think so." I stands up straight and looks down at Liam. "You need anything kiddo?"

"Ice cream!" Liam shouted excitedly.

"Yeah not happening." I tossed a banana at Liam. I guess that what happens when your grandpa is a dentist. "Do you want braces?"

Liam shook his head in disgusted. "Braces are for loser."

"The people with braces end up with the prettiest smile." I smile down at him.

"Really?" He asked looking up in shock.

"Nope." Dad said biting into a apple. "That's something I just told your mother to get her to wear braces."

"What?" I shouted almost choking my drink. Liam burst out into laughter along with dad. He made me believe that when I was eleven. The torture I had to go through in middle school because of those metals in my teeth.

"What I had to get you to wear them somehow." He shrugged still in a laughing state.

I smile at both of them. It's been long since they have bonded. I'm so glad he hasn't asked why we left New York. The last thing I need is to start explaining the fact that his father is a dangerous man.

"I'm going to head to the store." I say picking up my list from the counter. I kiss both their cheeks and head to the door.

"Dottie!" I heard dad shout from the kitchen.

"Yeah!" I shout back at him opening the front door waiting for what he had to say.

"Could you add some pickles to your list?" He asked.

I let out a loud groan. "Yeah."  I say shutting the door behind me.

"I love you!" I hear him shout. I smile walking towards his car.

It's been a long time since I've been in this town. The last time I visited was two years ago. Liam was just two and dad was not doing so great. I had to stay with dad till he was discharged from the hospital.

I pull over in the parking lot of the shopping complex. It looks renovated. I'm not surprised that people still come here. This place is a great store. I climbed out of the car and head into the store.

After getting everything I go to the counter to pay for everything I gathered. I seriously don't know what dad needs all this stuff for but I need him to be healthy and for that to happen I need him to be happy.

"Dottie?" I hear my childhood name from someone who isn't family. "Is that really you?"

I turn back to the source of the voice. "Nikolas." I whisper looking at the man in front of me. This seriously can't be happening. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked me with a genuine smile. Oh that smile.

"I'm, um. I'm visiting my father." I answer him trying to get away from him.

"That's good." He nods gripping his shopping bag. "I never thought I would see you again."

"Yeah me too." I smile looking up at him. "How have you been?"

"I'm doing great." He smiled at my change of tone. "I should let you pay for your stuff."

"Of course." I turn back to the cashier. She gave me an irritated look. Teens would always be teens. After the poor customer service I finally pay for the items.

"I should help you carry that." Nikolas said taking one off the shopping bag from me.

"You've changed." I pointed out handing him one of my bags. He never helped anyone years back.

"Nope." He smirked leading me out of the store. "I just grew mature." 

"Finally." I let out a little chuckle. I point to where my car was packed. He helped me load the things into the car. 

"You have a kid?" He looked at some stuffed animals that Liam left in the car a few days ago. 

"Yeah I have a son." I smile at the thought of Liam. "But I'm not married." I quickly add not knowing why.

"That's nice to know." He let out a sigh of relief. For some reason I was happy that he was relieved. "If you have time we could go to Joe's."

"I'm not sure." I say hesitantly looking away from him. I don't want to go down that road again.

"Just as friends." He added once he noticed my hesitation. "We can still be friends right?"

"Yeah." I nod at him. "How is this Thursday? Seven pm? "

"That's sounds cool." He smiles as I step into my car. "Nice bumping into you."

"It really was." I shut the door of my car and start it up.  The drive home was faster than usual. What have I done? What was I thinking? I rush into the house the moment I I reach home.

"Dad!" I yell tossing the groceries on the island. I walk to the living room buy they aren't there. "Dad where are you?"

"At the back!" I heard his faint voice from the living room. I quickly run to the backyard and see Liam and dad setting up the grill. "You came back early."

"Can we talk?" I asked dismissing what he just said to me. I look down at Liam who is concentrated on the race car his trying to draw. "Privately." I add quickly.

"Lets go inside." He says walking ahead of me. I follow behind him. "What the problem angel?"

"Why didn't you warn me about Nikolas?" I asked feeling a bit disappointed.

"Oh I forgot." He let out a light chuckle. "He's a changed man. I didn't even recognize him when he first came over."

"He came over?" I asked shocked at what his telling me. "Why are you even hanging out with him?"

"I don't know." He shrugged looking out the window. "I guess I really like his company. You know with my children growing up I can't help but feel lonely."

I instantly regretted what I said to him but that doesn't the change the fact that I'm hurt. "You can hang out with him if you want."

"No I shouldn't have in the first place." He sighed. "He was just different and for once I approved of him meeting up with you."

"What!" I exclaim raising my hand up in the air annoyed. "Did you have anything to do with him bumping into him today."

"Well......" He drags on playing with his fingers. "I might have told him that I needed some root beer."

"Dad." I run my hand through my hair letting out a sigh. "I'm too young for this."

"No you aren't." He smiled at me. "It's a good thing and your brother approves of him."

"You are so confusing." I tap his shoulder and walk to the kitchen to unpack the groceries.

A few days ago he was telling me to consider forgiving Ethan and know he wants me to meet my ex boyfriend from high school.

Bumping into my exs in one year. I should get an award for that accomplishment.

His Rejected BrideHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin