Prologue - M

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Flipping off the flashlight on my phone, I slid back out into the hallway through the crack in the door of my father's study, where I very carefully placed the The Centre's brochure. I made sure to place it directly on top of the stack of the other various institution pamphlets. I had spent all day heavily altering The Centre's brochure to what my parents would find as a suitable institution to send me.

I modified it by throwing in keywords such as re-condition, medicate, heal, cure, manipulate. It would have them salivating at the very thought of sending me there. A sure-fire, guaranteed way to have them book me a one-way flight to the United Kingdom.

I only have a few thousand dollars saved up, so once I've rescued him, we'll only have enough money to live off for a month or two. We'll have to figure it out after that.

I desperately needed my parents to pay for the air flight there and the institute itself; this was the only way I knew how to make it possible.

Holding my breath, I tip-toed to my room. Once inside, I quietly shut the door leaning my forehead against the hard, cool slab of wood.

After a few seconds of my own panting, two heavy and powerful hands grasped my shoulders. Then, a solid and comforting body pressed up against me. Warm lips on my neck.

"You don't have to do this, you know?" He whispered.

"Yes I do, he did so much for me and now, after four years, I've found him. I need to return the favor." I hushed out.

"You don't owe him anything, Aiden," he whispered out his plea, still bending down, pressed tightly against my back.

"I owe him my life," a hot tear cascaded down my cheek. "I've searched for him everywhere. In every institution, camp, center that's out there. Now that I've found him, I can't live knowing that he's out there in one and rotting away," I hissed out.

A heavy sigh landed on the back of my neck, "I know baby, I just worry about you. You're so strong, but you're not invincible. I don't know how you'll survive another institution."

"I will, I have to at least try," I turned around slowly and walked him backwards to my bed. I carefully crawled on top of him, gently kissing his soft lips. "Now make love to me."

Please make love to me one last time, I'll be on the run and will never see your handsome and caring face again, I silently pleaded.

He hesitantly rolled over and peeled each item of clothing off of me first, excruciatingly slow, while kissing my hot bare skin with each item removed. He then stripped down, pressing his body on top over mine and in between my legs.

His scalding tongue licked my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I welcomed him in, sucking and licking while he placed a lubed finger at my entrance. Methodically rubbing the tight muscle until it relaxed and he slipped his long, thick fingers inside.

His heated shaft rubbed against my own. Rocking back and forth until I was silently begging with my tongue in his mouth for more.

He knew what I wanted, he felt my ring pulsing for more. Removing his slick fingers, he replaced them with his hard, massive cock. Holding onto my prick, he started to move back and forth while pumping me rhythmically.

We were communicating with our eyes, and when the pressure built up to an explosion, we came together, as soundless as possible.

I curled up around his hulking frame, tears streaming down my face as he ran his fingers through my short curls.

"It's time," I rasped out onto his broad chest.

He pulled my chin up delicately with his calloused hand. "Are you positive, Aiden?" He murmured.

I nodded slowly, with as much conviction that I could muster.

I pushed him back down on the bed, replacing his used condom with a new one. Planting myself on top of his still hard cock, I bounced up and down rapidly, furiously gripping my prick and jerking it in time to each bounce.

Throwing my head back I started moaning loudly while he moaned along with me.

My groin was on fire and just as a hot stream of cum shot out, my door flew open and banged against the wall behind it.

White flashes of light burst behind my eyelids as I was still orgasming.

And in that very second, cold, heavy hands grabbed my shoulders and hurled me off the bed, my head viciously hitting the hardwood floor.

As my eyes shot open, the last thing I saw was a fist connecting to my nose, everything faded into black.

The Centre - a Home for Aiden (bxb+/poly)Where stories live. Discover now