9. I Love You

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❄️ A I D E N ❄️

I'm surrounded by the most beautiful flowers of vibrant pinks, purples and blues. Sadly, I can't focus on them, all I can see is Fox. Closing my eyes, I'm assaulted with images of Fox, his stunning smile and his light brown eyes that I always trusted.

A stray warm tear slid down my chilled face.

Fox's face faded away as Wren's appeared, his open and honest face with bright blue eyes. Connor came after, mesmerizing eyes and onyx black hair morphing into Vance, with his Steele gray eyes and chiseled jawline. One after another, like a Rolodex of gorgeous men who had very different, but loving personalities.

Up until this point, I could see myself having a home at The Centre. I was slowing but surely realizing that what Fox said, "The Centre is the last stop for boys like us", was true.

It was the first time I've lived somewhere and felt truly safe. I wasn't always looking over my shoulder in fear.

I would've laughed if I was told last night that I would be sitting here on this bench all alone, because last night I was full of love from Fox and the other boys. Now I'm here, on my own.

I leaned over, my elbows on my knees, and put my face in my gloved hands. Taking deep breaths, I allowed myself to feel everything. To cry for them, to mourn them. I was never going back there. My mission was complete. Fox was safe, that's all that mattered, even if he wasn't with me.

After a while I stood up to leave, the last bus would be here shortly and I needed to be on it.

With my head down, I headed towards the exit, suitcase in tow, kicking stray pebbles as I walked along.


My head shot up, eyes landing on the three distant figures of Fox, Bryce and Zane. My step faltered at the sight of them. Pulling as much gumption as I could muster, I kept walking. As I neared, I kept my eyes straight ahead, shoulders squared and one hand in my coat pocket. Willing my legs to keep going when all they wanted to do was run right to them.

My breath was coming out heavy and erratically. Why'd they come here? Why'd they have to come here together? Was it all a joke to them, rub it in poor Aiden's face, look what Aiden can't have. They were taunting me.

I walked by them as they called out my name. I had to stay strong! Whatever this was is over now.

I felt a hand grasp my elbow. Ripping it away, I turned around and stared, I could feel the venom in my glare.

"Aiden, please just listen to me," Fox's voice was strained. Begging.

I don't care.

"Why should I, Fox?" I scoffed. "You talk and talk but I never get any answers."

I saw his face drop, the acknowledgment of my words struck a cord. Good.

I don't care.

"I love you," he breathed out.

I chuckled, shaking my head slowly. This is where here explains that he loves me only as a friend.

"You say you love me, but best friends don't keep secrets, Fox. And you're riddled with them," I gestured towards the three of them.

"I can explain, just come back home and we'll discuss everything, I promise!" Fox clasped his hands together under his chin, eyes wide, pleading.

"So now is the perfect time?" My one brow raised. "Today's the day you've finally deemed me ready for all of your explanations?" My head dropped, I blinked rapidly trying to keep the tears at bay. Looking back up to him, "It's been months, you've had my rapt attention this whole time,  and now that I've left, you've decided it's time to reveal it all? What do you take me for?" I rasped out, lips trembling.

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