11. Cake Batter - M

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❄️ A I D E N ❄️

"I can't believe it was the butler all along!!" Milo bellowed, "It's never the butler! You think it's going to be the butler but it never really is!" He grumbled adorably and then started laughing along with us.

We just left the escape room where we spent an hour and a half wracking our brains trying to figure out who killed Countess Bolivari. It was delightfully irritating, but we finally got the last clue with only mere seconds to spare.

The group of us were laughing, holding hands and chatting while we made out way towards the ice cream shop when Fox called out that he wanted to run into the store we were passing for "something quick", as he grabbed onto Zane and Fitz while motioning with his head for Milo to follow him.

Wren took my hand, waving bye to the four of them and pulled us through the door of "Cindy's Sweets & Ice Cream Parlor".

The rough around the edges, middle aged waitress brought the rest of us to a booth near the back of the quiet shop. As we sat down, she handed out the menus and then took down our orders when we all agreed that we that we didn't need anymore time to order.

When my double scoop of cake batter ice cream on a cone arrived, I was practically bouncing up and down in my seat, it's been forever since I had ice cream and this was my favorite flavor!

⚫️ B R Y C E ⚫️

Aiden was humming along to each lick of his cone, his sweet tongue lapping up the creamy white dessert. Connor was right, he really was a sex kitten.

As I sat across from him, I was raptly paying attention to every sultry flick of his tongue, I didn't even realize that my own was melting and dripping over my fingers onto the table in front of me.

"Bryce," Aiden's eyes were wide as he gasped out my name.

His quiet voice yanked me out of all the dirty thoughts I was daydreaming about, "Uh, yeah?", I cleared my throat.

"Your ice cream is melting!"

Oh. Looking down, my fingers were covered in the mint green ice cream.

Jace knowingly chuckled and I swiftly kicked him under the table.

Vance tossed me a napkin, that's the last one, he held up the empty dispenser.

Aiden tsk'd as he said, "Don't waste it!"

He reached across the table, grasping my wrist as he pulled my arm over to him. He leaned in and sticking his tongue out, licked around the ice cream cone, his tongue roving over my fingers as he lapped the cream into his mouth.

Slowly pulling back, "mmm, I love this flavor," he moaned out.

I heard a whimper to my right, and when I turned my head in that direction, Fox was standing there with the other boys he left with, all carrying canvas bags.

"Hey Guys, whatcha got?," Aiden asked them curiously, his head slightly tilted in question.

"Oh, ya know...just...stuff," Fox grunted out. His lusty warm brown eyes never leaving Aiden's mouth, almost as if they were tethered to it.

"You guys done? Yeah? Cool! Let's go!" Zane turned around quickly, while calling over his shoulder pulling Fox, Milo and Fitz with him to the exit.

Fox stopped them halfway, did an about face and marched over to Vance, he leaned over, whispered something in his ear and then hot-footed back to Zane and the others, all four scrambling to the door.

"What's got into them? They didn't even get anything sweet to eat!" Aiden said in shock.

Vance was already up and paying the bill at the register.

Jace, Wren and Connor were halfway to the door when Aiden leaned over the table, "I think I'm ready to come in Vance's room tonight..." he smiled shyly while his deep brown eyes met mine through his long eyelashes .

My brows shot up, mouth parted. Shaking my head in disbelief, he had no idea the double entendre he just threw at me, "You have no idea, Aiden, no idea," I breathed out as I left the booth. Rounding the table, I briskly pulled him up and out of the booth.

There was a smidge of mint ice cream in the corner of his pouty mouth, I leaned down and flicked it up with my tongue,"mmm," I moaned staying close to his lips, "you were right, it really shouldn't be wasted."

❄️ A I D E N ❄️

Tonight was the night, we all dressed up to go on our date, I was surrounded by the most beautiful souls that I have ever met. I wanted to give everything to them. All of me.

But Vance was taking his sweet ass time driving home! My knees where bobbing up and down erratically, hands twisted together as I was smushed in the backseat in between Connor and Jace.

I peered up and over Vance's broad shoulder trying to get a peek at the speedometer. Dammit, he wasn't even going the speed limit, he was going a full three miles below it! I rubbed the palms of my hands on my black skinny jeans, about to say something to Vance, like, hurry the fuck up, when Connor leaned in and whispered, "Don't."

I turned to him, it was dark but I could still make out his silhouette in the moonlight streaming through the windows, "Why?", I whispered back.

He leaned in closer, his lips almost on mine, "So we can do this," he closed the gap and pressed his soft lips against mine, after a moment our lips parted and our tongues found one another's. I melted into him, reaching my arms up around his neck, the pads of my fingers caressing his warm smooth skin.

I moaned into his mouth when strong arms reached around my waist from behind and another set of soft lips methodically moved over the sensitive skin on my heated neck.

Connor lifted my shirt just enough to press his strong, calloused hands onto my toned stomach and slowly moving them up to my nipples, pinching and rubbing them painstakingly slow. I moaned out and leaned back as he nudged my shirt higher and he leaned down, his hot mouth clamped down on a hard bud.

Jace's hands found my stomach and moved in a downward motion towards the button on my jeans. He hummed into my ear, "This OK, Aiden?" As he tugged the waistband of my jeans.

I nodded my head enthusiastically, his fingers unclasped the button in one fluid motion, "Use your words, Aiden," Jace growled in my ear.

Just then, Connor flicked my nipple as I screamed out "yes" into the stifling hot car.

Connor reached behind me and started pulling down my pants as Jace unzipped and then helped pull down the front.

My hard prick was leaking all over my boxer briefs. Connor's mouth pressed against my thinly clothed rod, "Oh God, Connor, yes," I rasped out, eyes rolling back as my head met Jace's shoulder. Jace turned my face to him and attacked my mouth as Connor unclothed my needy rod, sucking me down and swallowing me to the hilt in one swift motion.

"Oh fuck!" I moaned out.

Connor's head rhythmically bobbed up and down as Jace sucked my tongue to the same beat.  They were humming and moaning on my prick and tongue, the dual pleasure was mind blowing.

My hands blindly reach forward and gripped Connor's silky hair in my fingers.

My body was vibrating, I was floating above us, lost within the intensity of it all.

Jace detached himself from my mouth and grunted in my ear, "Cum, Aiden!"

With that command, my groin tightened as heated pulses shot through my balls. I came so hard, and so fast down Connor's throat as he swallowed spurt after spurt of my thick cum.

I slumped back down onto Jace, gasping for breath. He carded his fingers through my hair, and after a few minutes he leaned his head down and passionately pulled me into another heated kiss, my cock stirring at the attention he bestowed upon me.

He tapped my cheek and pulled his lips away, "Up now, Aiden, the night's far from over."

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