Lesson Seventeen: What Do You Do When Suicide is Not an Option

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REMINDER: PRAY BEFORE YOU READ THIS CHAPTER. (I just reminded myself to pray before updating lol Alhamdullilla)

Assalamu Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu,

Guess what?

I'm going to be speeding the story up a little In Shaa Allah. I'll promise you guys one thing: You will not be disappointed by the ending of the book In Shaa Allah so calm down

Enjoy ^.^


"Umar?" I heard my mom's voice and looked up. She was standing in the classroom next to my teacher while I was in class doing independent work with the rest of the class. 

What is she doing here? 

I got up, and walked up to her. "Grab your things...We're leaving." She whispered. 

"Why?" i whispered back. 

"Just listen for now. Do you know where Aimen and Amarah are?" She asked. I was confused why she was asking about them. I shook my head and she smiled. "Okay. Hurry it up then." She said, looking at her watch. 

When I got packed up, I exited the room with my mom and saw Aimen and Amarah sitting on the floor across my classroom. 

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them, puzzled. 

"Babysitting." Amarah said expressionless. 


"Nope. You." Aimen replied. Then I felt my mother's fingers twisting my ears. 

"Oh, the trouble you're in...." She said in a quiet voice while Aimen and Amarah grinned with delight. "To think you're getting married without your mom being present."

"Y-You told her?" I asked them. They both nodded gleefully. 

"Well, I did. So there's no need to hate Amarah for it." Aimen said, still grinning. Hate Amarah? ... I probably couldn't even if I tried. I rubbed my eyes and stared at the ground tired. 

"Aren't you mad that I didn't tell you?" I asked my mom. 

"Yes, indeed I am. I don't care if you don't tell your father but not telling me was the biggest mistake of your life." She said, ruffling my hair. 

"But aren't you mad that I'm marrying someone without your consent?" I asked. 

"Whoever you marry is your choice even if it doesn't seem like the best in the eyes of your mother. I trust you enough to know that..." She said. I can't do this. I don't even love Annie.... but I'm responsible if she decides to commit suicide.


I should be happy. I will be happy. 

After all he is... my classmate and a friend. 

But after this day... I don't think I can talk to him anymore especially because of these feelings. I can't help these feelings. If I don't stop talking to him... I won't ever get over him. Especially after he's going to be a married man by the end of tonight. It is his decision. Trying to stop him might actually be the wrong thing because a life is on the line. Annie's life. 

Well this is awkward, I actually hate someone for practically the first time in my life... Actually after TRS.... They sicken me. 

"Bye Aimen... Bye Amarah." He said before he left. His mom gave each of us a hug. When it came to me, she whispered something into my ear. 

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