Lesson Sixteen: How to Love a Person Like You Love Food [Part 1]

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  • Dedicado a Every one of you.

Assalamu Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu! 

(Hope you all pray before you read this chapter. In Shaa Allah)

How are you wonderful people? :3

I honestly don't know when the next part's going to be out... but I will try writing tomorrow after Jummah prayer. 


Read Surah Kahf people and In Shaa Allah I will too :D 

This chapter is dedicated to every one of you for being amazing readers to this book. I can't believe we've made it at least halway through Alhamdullillah. 

May Allah give you the strength to endure all the hardships in this like and grant all you lovely people high imaan and Jannat-ul-Firdaus. Ameen. 

I can't thank you all enough for the lovely support xD 

Assalamu Alaykum w/r w/b!


"There must be a reasonable answer for that. Why would two boys kiss each other? Is it because they're brothers?" Surayya asked.   

"Um... I'm not exactly sure how to explain that..." I said, unsure and scared. Oh no, why isn't Amarah here yet? "When Sister Amarah comes we can ask her because I've never seen such a thing in my life." How on earth would anyone answer that question? "Where exactly did you see this?" I asked, concerned. 

"On the T.V. of course."

"Well for starters, you might want to watch a little less T.V. and read a lot more books. Do you like reading?" I asked her with a smile. My niqab was off because I was sitting in a teaching room with no men around. 

"Yes. I love them a lot. Especially picture books." She smiled. "I was joking. I love reading novels most of the time." I was at the masjid teaching the eight year old girl was was just as sweet and confused like most kids are. 

"That's great! Well for now we're going to start off with reading picture books because to be honest, I still haven't quite moved on." She laughed. The door opened the next second and I reached for my niqab as quick as I could, just to find Amarah. 

"Assalamu Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu." She said grinning.

"Wa Alaykumasalaam warahmaullahi wabarakaatuhu. Why are you late? I asked you as quick as you could." It was only the first class we had with the girl. 

"Well, sorry." I said with an edge to my voice. "I was stopped on the way by a lady asking for some address. But I'm not exactly good as directions so I couldn't give her much help. So where should we start?" She asked, excited. "I'm Amarah by the way." She said smiling as she stretched her hands out toward the little girl. The little girl gave her a shy smile and shook her hands. 

"I'm Surayya." 

"Nice name. Do you have any questions before we start teaching you?" Amarah asked her gently. 

 "Actually I do. I saw two men kissing each other on T.V. Does that mean boys are aloud to marry boys?" She asked with a hint of innocence. I'm just going to hope she knows how to answer this better than I do.

"Where did you see this?" Amarah asked, puzzled. 

"On T.V." 

"Right... You might want to watch a little less T.V. and focus more on your deen. Well since you've already seen that. Then there's no point in pretending like it never happened." She said, as she sat beside me and in front of her. "As far as I'm concerned in Islam, Muslims do not accept that kind of behaviour because Allah does not like it. But for now we're going to be focusing on the basics. Sister Jasmin and I chose out a book to teach you from so we're going to focus on that." Amarah smiled at Surayya and Surraya smiled back. 

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