Lesson Twenty: Planning for the Unexpected

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REMINDER: Pray before anything!

Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu....

Guess what guys?

This book will hopefully be done soon. Not too soon but soon enough In Shaa Allah. My summer class is almost done so I'll have a lot of free time before my next summer classes In Shaa Allah. How many summer classes am I taking? A lot. Alhamdullillah, it's all going well. And I'm preparing to go into medical university in the next years. So pray for me. I hope I can do it ... But anyways I hope you all are doing well. May Allah bless you all for enduring these dreadful untimely updates. Ameen!


Just as I thought, I wasn't up for this whole marriage thing. Not because I wasn't ready for it. But because I wasn't ready for Annie.

Annie, was on a completely different level.

She was scary actually. Not in the way any guy would prefer. In fact not in the way any person would prefer. She loved working in the kitchen... with knives. She loved waking me up with her hand in the shape of a gun to my head. And she loved... scaring my baby sister to the core. My mom didn't have to tell me she was scared. Because I could see it on her face every night when I would come home from my part-time job.

"Umar." My mom's voice hit me like thunder. It was quiet. And we were alone in the kitchen.

"Yeah?" I asked her.

"When you graduate from high school, do you... Have you planned to do something afterwards?" She asked.

"I was thinking... of moving out." She was chopping lettuce for the salad she was making.

"W-Why?" She asked, putting her knife down and looking at me.

"Mom, I don't need you to tell me my wife has mental problems. I know... I can't put Saira at risk." I said. She stared at me.

"Umar, Saira... Saira's going to miss you." She was staring at me with deep concern. "Just think about her and stay.

"I am thinking about her, Mom." I can't put my baby sister at risk.

"I wish this didn't have to happen... any of this." She said, picking her knife up, and chopping some more salad.

"Don't say that, Mom. Everything happens for a reason. Allah knows best. We can't doubt his plans for us." She smiled and gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"You're right." She said.

Just one more semester, and no longer was I going to live here.


"Of course not." I replied, calmly.

"Binyamin, if there's no one in your life that looks like wife material, then let us choose." My older sister said. I stared at her.

"I know I should have said this along time ago, but I need time. I want to have a job before a family of my own. It's just too early. No sane man will marry his daughter off to someone without a proper job yet." I replied. She grinned, and slapped me on the back.

"We found the perfect girl for you already, so you don't have to marry her too early because like you, she's asking for time as well."

"Really?" I asked.

"Her name's Maysun. She's perfect for you!"

"Maysun?" I questioned her. "Okay, well whoever she is, is she willing to wait?" I asked her.

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