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young techno is isolating himself in his room and phil invites dream over to comfort him


phil: 25
techno: 15
wilbur: 14
tommy: 7
DRE: 14

third pov

the clock struck 6 pm, and techno still had yet to come out from the safety of his room after phil had called for him to eat dinner.

phil frowned slightly, and set the glass plates in front of wilbur and tommy, different steamed vegetables piled together beside cooked chicken.

"eat, you two. im going to go check on your older brother." he said, immediately making his way towards the stairs. the other two nodded and began eating, curiosity and worry painted on their faces.

the blonde hybrid knocked on the door softly, knowing something was up. if techno was fine, he wouldve at least told him he wasnt hungry or taken the food to his room.

but, no. he just didnt answer at all. another knock, and then an answer. a small answer, but an answer nonetheless.

"im not hungry." the piglin responded, voice raspy and muffled. this made phil frown more. "well, could you at least take the food to your room?" phil asked, voice gentle, aware and patient.

the older heard a quick shuffle from inside the room, and the doorknob turned, the door slowly opening. he met eyes with the younger, and phil saw the tired and restless look plastered on technos face.

"what happened this time?" phil asked, gently. techno stayed silent for longer than five seconds, and he bumped phils shoulder with his own unintentionally as he left the room.

phil stood straight and shook his head. he needed to know what was up with his boy so he could help him. he had a hunch, however, because he was only ever tired because of his voices or not enough sleep.

but, tonight was one of the nights where he didnt talk to him. so, he came up with a solution very quickly.

he moved out of the way, hands behind his back as techno staggered back into his room silently with a plate of food in hand. when the door closed, phil pulled his phone out, fingers swiftly tapping against the screen.

he held the phone up to his weirdly shaped ear, and waited as the device rang. after five rings, a soft, feminine voice spoke up from the other end of the line.

"hello?" the woman spoke, voice laced with bits of drowsiness. phil replied quickly. "hello, this is phil. im technos dad and he wanted to know if dream could stay the night."

there was a small, thoughtful pause. "oh, im sure he would love to hang out with techno. thats all he talks about after school. he really likes play fighting with him."

phil smiled warmly and nodded, forgetting for a split second that the mother could not see his gesture. "thats wonderful." he kept his response quick, hiding his happiness that techno had a good friend.

he heard shuffling from the other side, and the woman answered. "well, we'll be over in five. see you soon!" phil voiced his goodbye and ended the call.

he pocketed his phone and stared at technos door for a moment, before walking back downstairs where he saw the other boys finishing their food.

he sat down in front of them and smiled when tommy agressively waved at him. "hello, tommy. what were you two talking about?" he asked, watching tommy finish swallowing a mouthful of vegetables.

as the youngest answered, the other two listened. well, phil listened. wilbur didnt care too much about it since he already heard about it when they were talking to each other.

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