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Requested by GreenAgator

Techno hibernates lmao

Please bare with me because I have no fucking clue how animals hibernate lol


Techno is 15
Wilbur is 14
Tommy is 7



It was near the time that Techno was required to hibernate, and he was a little excited. That meant he didn't have to do anything for like a month. But, his family did happen to be a little bummed out since they wouldn't be able to talk to him.

So, before it was truly time for him to stay in his room, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy, and Phil would hang out for the whole week, and then let the piglin do his thing.

"Techno! Wilbur! Tommy! Come down, please!" Phil yelled, laying out multiple board and card games on the floor beside the couch. He heard quick pattering of feet, and looked up, smiling when he saw his three beloved children.

As he waved them over, Tommy groaned, seating himself in between Wilbur and Techno. "Why do we have to play these stupid games?" He mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

The winged man chuckled, reaching over and ruffling his blonde hair. "We're doing this because Techno is going to hibernate in a week. He asked me to do this." Phil explained, grinning when Techno covered his blushing face.

"Shut up, dad." He muttered, his voice slightly muffled underneath the palms of his hands. "Hah, you slipped up again, Tech!" Wilbur exclaimed, laughing lightly. Tommy snickered and then snorted abruptly when the pinkette flicked his forehead.

But, before he could start whining, their father spoke up, breaking the children from their little worlds. "Hey, enough of that. Which game do we want to play first?" The old blonde asked, leaning back, his arms holding him up.

The two older brothers glanced at each other, before quietly whispering in their ears. They pulled away, smirking mischievously. Tommy huffed at them, before turning back to Phil, answer on his tongue.

"Let's play Monopoly!" He shrieked, childishly. The older blonde laughed, nodding, then turned his eyes to his other two kids. As they met his eyes, Wilbur answered for them. "We have chosen Chutes and Ladders!"

The youngest groaned, flailing his arms everywhere. "Oh, c'mon! You guys know I hate that game!" He whined, pouting. Techno and Wilbur only giggled at his annoyance. Phil smiled, nodding. "Alright, then. It's two to one. We are playing Chutes and Ladders."


The whole week, they played Uno, Monopoly, Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, and some other shitty kids games, happily chattering and arguing through each one, until finally, it was time.

Phil escorted Techno to his room, tucking him into his messy bed. "Sleep well, son." He whispered, kissing the younger's forehead lightly. The piglin grumbled affectionately, before turning over and pulling his blankets over his pink head.

The blonde slowly clicked his door shut, walking back downstairs to where his other sons were waiting, slightly upset. "Aw, I know, you two. It'll be a while, but when it's over, Techno will feel better." Phil reassured, patting them both on their fluffy heads.

Wilbur grinned at his hair flopping in his face even more, and Tommy just cackled, making fun of how long his bangs were. It resulted in the brunette tickling the life out of him while Phil watched, amused.

"I'm going to go make dinner, so don't be too loud. Give Techno a good first day of hibernation." He instructed, walking off into the kitchen, wings fluttering in delight.

When dinner was finished, Phil asked Wilbur and Tommy if they would go bring a plate to their older brother, to which they accepted, scrambling up the stairs while somehow managing to not spill the food.

"Shhh, Toms! He's sleeping-ish." The taller whispered, warning his younger brother. Tommy only rolled his eyes while he opened the door. He watched his older brother sleeping soundly in his bed, and smiled a bit.

Wilbur had silently placed Techno's food on his bedside table, soundlessly retreating back to Tommy's side. He giggled quietly and tugged the shorter out of the room, closing the door.

They walked back down the stairs, Wilbur teasing Tommy about him being a creep and smiling at Techno's sleeping state. "I am not a creep, Wilby! You are-" the older cackled. "Did you just call me-" "No, I didn't! You're deaf!"

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