how long will this last, mom?

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Imagine Kristin is like 8 feet tall(244 cm) and not 182738w99283 feet 👍

Fun fact: the original name for this was "ur mom (is Death)"


"I have a feeling this isn't a normal visit, is it, Wil?" Wilbur stared into his mother's eyes, and shook his head. He heard his mother sigh, and he felt Her hand on his scarred cheek. He exhaled, content.

They sat in silence, the Void unmoving around them. Kristin smiled down at Her son softly. "That's alright. You did your part," She uttered, voice understanding.

Wilbur averted his eyes from Hers, and felt his hands brushing against each other. He swallowed, and felt a wave of realization dawn on him.

As his eyes widened, he looked back up and locked his eyes with Hers. Kristin gave him a wistful smile and Wilbur's eyes shimmered in the darkness.

She maternally wiped his cheeks dry, and laughed quietly when they became wet again. He tried to grin at Her, but he found himself hunching over and sobbing into his mother's hand.

Kristin's smile faltered, and She swiftly knelt down and eased him into a hug, so they were both sat on the endless flooring of the Void. She pat his hair as he cried, and hummed a tune.

As She did, the mass of dark colors that surrounded them seemed to waver; as if reacting to Her song. Wilbur certainly did. He was hiccuping, but not wailing as loudly as before.

As Death's song came to a close, Wilbur reluctantly slipped from Her arms, wiping his eyes. Neither spoke, but they both thought that was fine.

Wilbur and Kristin slowly made eye contact, and their solemn facial expressions quickly twisted into something resembling satisfaction.

They exchanged a hug once more, though this one was much longer. It seemed to stretch on for hours, days, even. Maybe it did.

When they did part, their eyes were staring ahead, one holding a question, the other holding the answer.

Will I stay with you for eternity?

Kristin held Wilbur's hand, and intertwined their similarly-shaped fingers.


When Wilbur blinked, his mother was not there. In the distance, he heard the rumble of a train, and he knew that was it.

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